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Debug last won the day on May 12 2014

Debug had the most liked content!

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About Debug

  • Birthday 08/31/1997

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  1. Looks great! Although maybe the current logo fits in with the skin a tad bit better.
  2. Can someone tell me why this is showing up in my nav bar? I've disabled all my hooks/plugins one by one and it hasn't gone away.
  3. Debug

    Question Name Change

    Is it possible that you have to wait 30 days after you are upgraded to be able to change your name?
  4. I would've liked the text a bit bigger, but that looks fine. Thanks a ton!
  5. I need somebody to it this badge for me: I'd like the background black an the border gold. I'd like the little icon removed and "OVO" in the middle with the same gold. Thanks!
  6. Debug

    Windows 10

    I didn't update to Windows 8, and I will not be updating to Windows 10. The day they drop support for Windows 7 is the day I switch over to Apple. I'm not that into gaming, I just do regular stuff, so if Windows 7 gets that done (which it does) I see absolutely no need to upgrade.
  7. Why exactly are you trying to use something other than myBB? It seems to fit in perfectly with what you're looking for.
  8. This looks great! I personally wouldn't use it, but for your site it fits in perfectly.
  9. Doing this would have both positive and negative affects. The positives are quite obvious, but you might need to login to your ACP at an unexpected location, and that wouldn't be possible if the IP isn't allowed to access it.
  10. post-vacation depression sucks...

  11. Wow, TJ, we got hired at the same time (well, a day apart, you know what I mean), and look how much farther you've made it. Congratulations!
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