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  1. I was wondering if the skin called Mountains is legally free to use since Webflake staff made it themselves (I think) and published it?
    I'd be more than glad to receive an answer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lady C

      Lady C

      Ofcourse it's free to use. But redistrubing it i don't think so.

    3. NeoN


      Thank you.

    4. Phun


      I made it and i released it for free. You're free to modify it, redistribute it with different colors, update it and then redistribute it or do whatever you want with it. The only thing i ask is that my author name "Phun" and author website "WebFlake.sx" remain intact in descriptions/files.

    Wonderful, is this legally free to use?
  2. Hey guys! so, I've been creating a web design according to a psd template and there is a percentage part in it which looks as followed: and I'm really wondering if this is actually possible to achieve in CSS, if it is I'd really like to know how
  3. what you do is div { margin:0 auto; } if you want it to be centered vertically (only) I'm not really sure if that would work to make it centered both vertically and horizontally but you could try just doing this: div { margin:auto; }
  4. Not bad. But , since you're making it a dark skin you should make the text white so it can show properly (especially the replies and topics part)
  5. send me the URL of that website (via PM) and I'll rip it for you - if it's HTML & CSS
  6. Hello guys So... first of all I'm using IPB 3.4.6 and the skin "Splat" and the tabs of the categories in forums have a border-radius of some pixels I don't really know how much exactly and I want it without the border-radius I understand how to change it but I don't really know where to find it , so I'd be really greatful if you help me out this is how the tab looks like
  7. I personally prefer subdomains. however , I don't really think it makes any difference it's just up to you to decide how the url would look like
  8. Username: NeoN First Name: Amran Age: 16 Rate your English out of 10: 9 Additional languages spoken: Arabic and Hebrew Software specialization: IP.Board IPB skills: 6/10 XenForo skills: 0/10 (never tried it) vBulletin skills: 0/10 (never tried it) WordPress skills: 7/10 HTML / CSS skills: 9/10 Other qualifications: learning JavaScript , will learn PHP and MySQL stuff and I'm also looking forward to start making skins for IPB What can you bring to the team? I can help people with their web designs , IPB problems , so I would basically want to share my knowledge with the community
  9. Hello guys first of all I'm using IPB 3.4.6 so as the title says , I need to change my navigation's bar text color and that's because it doesn't fit to the edit I just made to it here's a picture so as you see I need to change it to white I'd really appreciate your help and thanks in advance
  10. there http://imgur.com/vDzwPMH,t5WIEOO#1 and in case if your background is black here's one with white text http://imgur.com/vDzwPMH,t5WIEOO#0
  11. PPF NeoN?

    1. NeoN


      excuse me?

  12. I actually think that's included in the skin which is called "Shift"
  13. Thanks alot you can close this topic now
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