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Everything posted by teokrata

  1. Hi!I have a "little" problem..We have many videos, but if I use tags and added more than 20 video (this is the default videos on one page), than you cant switch page, because the CID (like category id in video system) changed to the tag's id. I dont know why and where and what happening, but its terrible. I try it on wamp on my own computer and there is the same problem.If this is a bug.. its a very big bug. I hope you can understand what I say My english not perfect.. Iam hungarian.Have you any idea about this?Thanks in advance!!
  2. i5 - 2,53 I never use for my own AMD.
  3. No, I don't wanna move it or redirect - I wanna copy.
  4. Hi. I just wanna simple copy a topic from category to another category. Anybody knows how can I do that? I dont wanna use sql for this action... Thanks for your answer!
  5. are you cashed? if not, it's possible can help you. what about the sql? are your tables seems like normally?
  6. in ACP under Forums you find Archive there you can disable it, or making rules for your own
  7. Thank you Lock! You are excellent! I must changed the commands on the end, because you must say the database, where is the "profile_id", but everything other are perfect! so the corrected command is this: UPDATE dbase2.profile_data set thanked = (select thanked from dbase1.profile_data where dbase2.profile_data.profile_id = dbase1.profile_data.profile_id) Thank you once more!!
  8. Hi! I have a new problem I need to copy a coloumn from a database to another database. For example.. I hava a database, named dbase1 and there is a profile_field_data table and it's have a thanked coloumn. I want copy this to another database: dbase2 - profile_field_data - thanked coloumn. Anybody can help me about this sql command? Thanks in advance!!
  9. omg, I don't know about this.. Thank you very much!
  10. Hi! On my board, deffaultly the bulk mail sends 20 mail per period. Can I change this number, or the time period per send the mails?? Thanks for your answer!
  11. yupii, you are excelent! Thank you very much
  12. Hi. I have a big problem In my database I have a "thanked" column(?) in "members" table and in the "profile_portal" table. I wanna copy the column's value from members to profile portal's thanked column. How can I do this??
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