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Cheerio last won the day on February 21 2024

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About Cheerio

  • Birthday 01/01/1979

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  1. yoiu would use.. body{background:url('http://image-url-here.jpg');} put this into your skins custom.css
  2. just for future reference.. Font awesome is just as the name suggests ragehost, a font, so they can be manipulated like any other font right done to the basic <font color= > html. They do however have a lot of preset arguments that can be utilized, from size to allowing custom span arguments. example.. <li><span class="fa fa-home fa-fw" style="font-size: 15px;margin-top: 6px;margin-right:4px;">&nbsp;<a href="/">Home</a></li> fa fa-home been the home icon and fa-fw meaning fixed width, non stacked <li><span class="fa fa-home fa-3x">&nbsp;<a href="/">Home</a></li> this setting a size of 3x you must have the fontawesome css linked also and the most up to date version to use the most icons that are added also. latest is 4.4.0 but they're always adding to it.. <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> ips probably does this already but knowing ips, they're always behind the builds. Also be sure to refresh cache if the new icons are now showing. Animate for IPS 4 what skin is this? Animate for IPS 4 looks like it's under custom.css and he's using the :before css attribute in #ipsLayout_mainNav like below.. you can see him using the font awesome fonts by their cheats code in the content like.. #ipsLayout_mainNav a[class*="nexus_Store"]:before{ content: "\f07a" } which \f07a is the same as fa-shopping-cart full list of cheat codes is avilable at http://astronautweb.co/snippet/font-awesome/
  3. most of this is already in windows 8.1 and google has been recording keystrokes in chrome since it's creation, google chrome records searches and omnibox activity to "better" search results anoymously, chromium does not...same as microsoft is asking in windows 10, at least they ask you, google doesn't, you get to opt out of most of these on windows 10 install, Microsoft Ad ID services have been in windows since windows 2000 pro, and existed in msn messenger, and now in skype. wifi sense is an app and all apps can be disabled, just because it has a ping pong app, doesn't mean i have to install it, or let my facebook friends know i have installed it, like most apps with facebook support do..a level 1 telemetry is data thats not identifiable to you, like windows has done for years, it is crash data, error data, locale, edition, etc, the same most decent software also does, you're pictures make you out to be very paranoid lol
  4. its likely because of the slider that the width of the page is more on ipcontent stretching the div out and giving more room for the primary nav and the forums page does not so it's primary nav gets the more treatment.
  5. This is an internal 500 error, aka your server is throwing it, likely your server does not have the resources to run IP Board 4.
  6. ​update to 4.0.8 which is latest, which also helps with caches n load times
  7. ​no, there are too many differences between the database structures to do it manually, you would literally go mental trying to fix it.
  8. ​yeah they've changed it a lot when it comes to that in IP4. Nice tutorial though!
  9. center is deprecated in html5 , you should use css. try something like.. <h3 class="ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title">picture box</h3> <style>#rageblock img { text-align: center; margin-top: 5px; max-width: 100%; height: auto;} </style> <div id=rageblock> <img src="linkedimnage" alt="rageimage_description" /> </div>
  10. ​have you tried putting image in a custom div inside the block and set image width to 100%
  11. Pages already allows you to create custom php and html blocks. unless you mean this is for people who have not purchased pages? if so, nice job, does it allow php and js execution?. The portal 1.5.0 plugin also allows you to create free html and php blocks also. Posted here just for reference.
  12. because humans are in it. have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
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