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Sweggy aka AnonyWS

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  1. Custom name style, only for shoutbox would be awesome.
  2. Live chat would be nice of people that are willing to help.
  3. I were on onshore in nearly a half year, no issues. I used cloudflare to hide my backend - This way, they can't report it to my host nor bothers about finding the backend. I bought the license after a year.
  4. Tried it on like 3 PC's and 1 Windows VPS. Issue occurs for them all, noticed same issue on my forum with rocketloader where i got tons of reports from forum members.
  5. no clue, can hire a coder for that or ask the community lol
  6. They're having them both, which is totally not needed. If they put the IP.Chat on front page, everyone will use it. Meh, as i bought the license ill try.
  7. I can finally afford a IPB License. But is it worth it? I want to test out their IP.Chat, however their "live" Demo does not have the ipb chat which i want to try out.. Do anyone out there have IP.Chat installed on your forum, so i can try it out? I don't think $175 for the software is alot comparing to how much I am earning from it. Hope somebody can show me Preview of IP.Chat, would be really appreciated.. thanks Just bought it, time to test the CDN/Chat. Waiting for manual review.
  8. Nope, i know for sure this happends to everyone. Maybe you're a little bit scroll to scroll down to the bottom to reply the topic? It takes about 5-15 secouns to load. This is a issue with the rocketloader with Cloudflare which is still in beta, it lazy-loads javascript and that wont help really much on IPB as there is alot of javascript.
  9. 55 downloads

  10. 118 downloads

    [center][img]http://puu.sh/64IPu.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://puu.sh/64IQj.jpg[/img][/center]
  11. 92 downloads

  12. 88 downloads

    [url="http://codecanyon.net/item/server-monitor/53028"]http://codecanyon.net/item/server-monitor/53028[/url] [center][img]http://puu.sh/64IG4.png[/img][/center]
  13. You're replying this first when it was moved. Abit late mate lol.
  14. Neither me, but i have other links that needs to be noticed more so i like it now
  15. It's fixed, nor repeating or tiled. It's just issue with the screenshot thing i used.. www.pshomecentral.net live preview, OH NO im exposed. Hover the sexy logo..
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