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  1. Version


    Back by popular demand, is my backup system. I wasn't planning on releasing this one, but a lot of people asked me for it, since there weren't any other solutions for XF2. This addon will run a scheduled backup of your XenForo database.Before you buy this addon however, you must be aware of a few requirements. This addon uses PHP's exec command to run MySQL's mysqldump command. If you're running off a shared hosting service, you may not have access to these powerful tools and be unable to use this addon.Basic Features: Automated XenForo database and file structure backup. Ability to close forums during the backups process. Define mysqldump and tar custom option flags. Separate backups into multiple files or a single package. Compress backups using Gzip, Bzip2 or Xz. Upload backups directly to Amazon S3, BackBlaze or Dropbox. Backup history and logs viewable from the Admin CP. Installation: Follows the basic XF addon procedures: Add-ons - XenForo 2 Manual
  2. Hi School RP is best ! Ifnot, DarkRP is great too
  3. I thought of it yes. But I want nevertheless that the image is posted only if one to click on “Adding to the message” :$
  4. Hi Community I would just have the picture link sent rather than the attachment associated like this : Or otherwise avoid displaying the "attached images" if you do not click "ADD IN THE MESSAGE" in the topic ... I don't find a good file I search in Appearance> Manage Themes> Publish screen -> No success
  5. Hi All Really great this new theme
  6. @Hidden Ninja : I send @HSBC : This is : <!--- ShoutBoxJsLoader ---> <script type='text/javascript'> /* Setup some value */ ipb.shoutbox.shoutboxGLOBAL = true; </script> <if test="in_array( $this->settings['shoutbox_global_hook'], array( 'b' ) )"><br class="clear"/></if> <div class='category_block block_wrap' id='category_shoutbox'> <h3 class='maintitle'> <a class='toggle right' href='#' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_shoutbox']}'>{$this->lang->words['toggle_shoutbox']}</a> <a href="{parse url="app=shoutbox" seotitle="false" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['view_main_shoutbox']}'>{$this->settings['shoutbox_title']}</a> <if test="showPopupLink:|:$this->settings['shoutbox_popup']"><a href="#" id="shoutbox-popup-button" title="{$this->lang->words['open_popup']}"><img src="{$this->settings['img_url']}/shoutbox/popup.png" alt="{$this->lang->words['open_popup']}" /></a></if> </h3> <div class='ipsBox table_wrap'><div class='ipsBox_container'> <table class='ipb_table shoutbox_table'> {$d['announcement']} <if test="$this->settings['shoutbox_global_theme'] == 2"> <tr class='row1'> <td valign='top' class='altrow' colspan='2'> <div id='shoutbox-shouts' style='height:{$d['shout_height']}px;overflow:auto'> {$d['noshouts']} {parse template="inactivePrompt" group="skin_shoutbox" params=""} <table id='shoutbox-shouts-table'> <tbody> {$d['shouts']} </tbody> </table> </div> <div id='shouts-global-resizer'></div> {parse template="popupInlineError" group="skin_shoutbox" params="glb"} </td> </tr> <if test="$this->memberData['g_shoutbox_use']"> <tr class='row1'> <td class='altrow' valign='top' colspan='2'> <input type='text' id='shoutbox-global-shout' size='70' class='input_text' /> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-submit-button' value='{$this->lang->words['shout']}' class='input_submit' /> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-clear-button' value='{$this->lang->words['clear']}' class='input_submit alt' /> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-refresh-button' value='{$this->lang->words['refresh']}' class='input_submit alt' /> <if test="$this->settings['shoutbox_allow_smilies']"> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-smilies-button' value='{$this->lang->words['smilies']}' class='input_submit alt' data-clicklaunch="populateSmilies" data-scope="shoutbox" /></if> <if test="$this->settings['shoutbox_allow_bbcode']"> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-bbcode-button' value='{$this->lang->words['bbcode']}' class='input_submit alt' /></if> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-myprefs-button' value='{$this->lang->words['my_prefs']}' class='input_submit alt' /> </td> </tr> </if> <else /> <tr class='row1'> <td class='altrow' valign='top'<if test="$this->memberData['g_shoutbox_use']"> style='width:75%'<else /> colspan='2'</if>> <div id='shoutbox-shouts' style='height:{$d['shout_height']}px;overflow:auto'> {$d['noshouts']} {parse template="inactivePrompt" group="skin_shoutbox" params=""} <table id='shoutbox-shouts-table'> <tbody> {$d['shouts']} </tbody> </table> </div> <div id='shouts-global-resizer'></div> {parse template="popupInlineError" group="skin_shoutbox" params="glb"} </td> <if test="$this->memberData['g_shoutbox_use']"> <td class='short row2 altrow' style='width:25%;min-width:250px;' valign='top'> <textarea id='shoutbox-global-shout' style='width:92%;overflow:auto;' rows='3' cols='50' class='input_text'></textarea> <br /><br /> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-submit-button' value='{$this->lang->words['shout']}' class='input_submit' /> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-clear-button' value='{$this->lang->words['clear']}' class='input_submit alt' /> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-refresh-button' value='{$this->lang->words['refresh']}' class='input_submit alt' /> <br /><br /> <if test="$this->settings['shoutbox_allow_smilies']"> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-smilies-button' value='{$this->lang->words['smilies']}' class='input_submit alt' data-clicklaunch="populateSmilies" data-scope="shoutbox" /></if> <if test="$this->settings['shoutbox_allow_bbcode']"> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-bbcode-button' value='{$this->lang->words['bbcode']}' class='input_submit alt' /></if> <input type='button' id='shoutbox-myprefs-button' value='{$this->lang->words['my_prefs']}' class='input_submit alt' /> </td> </if> </tr> </if> </table> </div></div> </div> <if test="in_array( $this->settings['shoutbox_global_hook'], array( 't', 'ct' ) )"><br class="clear"/></if> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ {$d['js']} //]]> </script>
  7. @Phun : I do not think so. Here is my list of hooks: http://s3.amazonaws.com/awesome_screenshot/3840861?AWSAccessKeyId=0R7FMW7AXRVCYMAPTPR2&Expires=1391185928&Signature=F8CXQEExFwU6PETyHDjePtzdgwA%3D @hidden Ninja : Don't work with other theme
  8. Hi smile.png So, i've a problem with IPB Shoutbox 1.4.1. Installation : OK Configuration : OK Recached Skin : OK So, I can not put a word in the shoutbox. All button "Shout" "Smiley" ... does not work. Button "Shout" and touch ENTER don't work too Javascript is OK in my PC ... I can not find solutions Thx for help
  9. Version 1.0.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3]Brings back the old "Manage Notes" area in the user control panel removed from IP.Board 3.2.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Features[/b][list] [*]No settings or group configurations, the notes area is available to everyone can access the UCP [*]If there are old notes from a previous IP.Board version this hook will use the UCP [/list] And you can use "[url="http://webflake.sx/files/file/329-promenu-215/"]ProMenu[/url]" or [url="http://webflake.sx/files/file/1565-manages-notes-user-menu-link/"]Link User Menu[/url] to add the menu directly
  10. Whiteangel


    Version 1.0.9


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3]Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive Google Map. Member Map has a full permission model so you can limit which groups can access or add to the map.[/size][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3]As an administration you have the ability to place custom markers on the map, for example if you would like to post the location of an upcoming meet.[/size][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3]Features include:[/size][/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Google Map Support [*]Auto Center & Zoom on Locations [*]Show friends only option [*]Friends have green markers [*]Full Permission support for view/add/update/delete [*]Alexs' fantastic AJAXiness & Javascript coding [*]FURLS [*]Info Window contains User Group and UserPopup [*]Scroll Zooming, zooms to your cursor position (option to disable) [*]Supermoderators can remove markers [*]Admin Managed custom markers [*]100% Language Abstracted - Translate in your ACP [*]IP.Board 3.1 Notification Support for when friends update their location [*][url="http://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/store/product/1-content-spy/"]Content Spy[/url] support [*]Mini-map on users profile page (the hook is disabled by default) [*]Ability to embed your map into your Facebook page (must meet certain requirements) [/list] [b]Facebook Integration[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3]Facebook Integration was kindly financed by [/size][/size][/font][/color][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/user/111216-noni/"]Noni[/url][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3] for the community. To use the Facebook integration, you [/size][/size][/font][/color][b]MUST[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3] have a working SSL certificate.[/size][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3][size=3]Simply upload the files/folders to your forums directory, don't forget to get a Google map Api key (there is a link in the settings in your ACP)[/size][/size][/font][/color] [list=1] [*]Log in to ACP [*]Goto 'System Settings' [*]Click 'Member Map' tab [*]Click 'General Configuration' [*]Configure API Key [*]Click 'Update Settings' [/list] In [url="https://code.google.com/apis/console/"]Google Developer[/url], make a [b]new API[/b] and in the service, choose [b][color=#ff0000]ONLY[/color][/b] [color=#ff0000]API MAPS V2[/color]. It's all :)
  11. I'm Whiteangel, i'm 26 years I'm french really loving this site & Thx to all
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