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  1. AH! TJKeeran, for the win! See, Paradiizee was helping me with my site, but hes been gone for about 1.5 weeks now (school called!) And I'm betting he created the constants.php file that is in the link TJK mentioned. I renamed it.. changed my default app back ( define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'forums' ) and voila! We are all fixed up! Thanks to all that offered help, and a special thanks, TJ, for the winner. ps.. there is not 1 single 'socialengineforum mods' on my site. I copied their front page layout, but everything aside from the html and absolute essential .css for that html is ripped out. Everything else is furnished from here, butchered by me, or bought. TJKeeran? This issue is resolved and can be closed. Thanks again!
  2. Thankyou, SharpFox, but with the change now reflected as: define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'ccs' ); i am still showing the same 404 error page. Let me see if the link TJK sent can shine a light here...
  3. Hi TJKeeran, and thank you for your input. The 'only' place ive been able to find for a default page was via the define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'forums' ); I do indeed have IP.C installed, thought it is currently disabled. So you may be on to something here. Would you happen to know where to set default pages, off hand?
  4. I just grabbed it.. youre right. it does exactly as prescribed! Thanks for the find, mate.. Since you stated you would upload it, I'll leave that in your hands as i don't want to step on your toes...
  5. Hi LockDown. Im fortunate to have you reply. Im reading your 'Greatest Hits' right now. lol (As in , all of your Answered posts) My site is Traderjoez.com so if I add http://traderjoez.com/index.php , you will see that the error, unfortunately, remains.. Edit - Not for not, but if I hover over 'Here' its showing a null url: http://traderjoez.com/#
  6. I cant see the forest through the tress, it seems. I have my initdata.php to read the following: /** * Default app name * You can set this in your own scripts before 'initdata.php' is required. */ if ( ! defined( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP' ) ) { define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'forums' ); } Im not doing anything fancy.. im just wanting my forums to load up as the default page. yet as i type in my web address, it goes to the default page, and that is this error: screen shot If I click the 'Here' in "Please click here to return to the community index", i return to same page. still facing the exact same screenshot error. I have items in my forum. I am logged on as admin and I have rights to view every item in the forum. Is there a setting I am missing?
  7. Version 1.0.2


    Last Updated: Mar 30 2014 02:25 PM This Hook extends the global quick search to provide an AJAX-powered modal display of search results as you type or submit. Includes AJAX pagination, application and content type switch. One purchase per installation. You must purchase multiple copies if needing the modification for multiple sites.
  8. Version 1.0.2


    Google wallet lets your customers buy from your site without redirecting to outside pages. This gateway source is secured with ioncube, so you will need to ioncube loader on your host.
  9. Very impressive! You put some serious work into it! Thank you for your effort!
  10. Create a blank text file. add the following in to it: function auto_anonymize(){auto_anonyminize()}function auto_anonyminize(){var e=window.location.hostname;if(protected_links!=""&&!protected_links.match(e)){protected_links+=", "+e}else if(protected_links==""){protected_links=e}var t="";var n=new Array;var r=0;t=document.getElementsByTagName("a");a_to_va=t.length;n=a_to_fa();r=n.length;var i=false;var s=0;var o="";for(var u=0;u<a_to_va;u++){i=false;s=0;while(i==false&&s<r){o=t[u].href;if(o.match(n[s])||!o||!o.match("http://")){i=true}s++}if(i==false){t[u].href="http://dereferer.org/?"+o;a_to_vb++;a_to_vc+=u+":::"+t[u].href+"n"}}var a=document.getElementById("anonyminized");var f=document.getElementById("found_links");if(a){a.innerHTML+=a_to_vb}if(f){f.innerHTML+=a_to_va}}function a_to_fa(){var e=new Array;protected_links=protected_links.replace(" ","");e=protected_links.split(",");return e}var protected_links="";var a_to_va=0;var a_to_vb=0;var a_to_vc="" Save and rename to anonymize.js FTP it into the js folder in your IPB root. In your ACP, edit your themes global template (Global Template > global template) Go ALL way to bottom, and right before: </body> </html> Paste this: <script src="/public/js/anonymize.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"><!--protected_links = "";auto_anonymize();//--></script> Now your links should be nicely defered. Note, you can change "http://dereferer.org/?" (in the newly created anonymize.js file you uploaded ) to any of the below: "http://dereferer.org/?""'http://anonym.to/?""http://dereferer.com/""http://hideref.org/?"
  11. B2B.. you really ARE the man. Thank you! Your instructions are so clear, I could follow them without looking at the monitor! (Though I better look at the monitor. You know me and my typo abilities...) Thanks again bud.
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