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leejay last won the day on December 18 2013

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  1. I managed to remove it in the file shown below however as you mentioned it changes back. daf308658e1b8369aceccf0233aee88c_swiper-bundle.min.js
  2. Please see here: https://gyazo.com/8b7b6ce8e73a7dc05bcd747419a221b6 How can i remove this?
  3. That worked great! Thank you so much @ Oni
  4. Hey, I would like to submit a file on my IPB website vie the download system without me uploading a file, I would prefer to supply a link where the files are stored such as mega upload etc, is this possible or any alternative methods? e,g when they click the download button the file is pulled from mega download site rather than storing them on a server.
  5. Hey, how can i add a Topic or Post into the our picks. I have added the our picks widget on the page but can’t find a way to add something to it?
  6. Thank you for the reccomedation. I will take a look.
  7. Hey, I need some recommendations! I want to make the right choice but there are so many different offshore hosts! I’m currently using cloudways to host my Wordpress website but that’s not offshore, I’m moving to a Forum Base site such as IPB Nulled from Webflake.sx. I will be hosting a lot of content on the site such as Wordpress themes and Plugins under the GPL. Can somebody kindly give me some good offshore hosts?
  8. Hi everyone, I need some advise, Im currntly using the Theme Flastome and im creating a membership website. I have attched images to show you what i need, does anybody know how i can achieve this? If a user selects one of the options and clicks the purcahse button it will add the selected option to the cart.
  9. leejay

    User Roles

    Thank you for your reply, I have now fixed the issue with a paid plugin. Thank you for your help! Sorry?
  10. leejay

    User Roles

    Hi everyone, I'm having some troubles creating my Wordpress website. I have been working on this website for some time now. I'm currently working on a custom membership system and I need some help regarding user roles. I will try explain as best as I can and I really hope somebody can give me some detailed advice, I would be rather grateful. When a visitor comes to my website and goes to the download page there are two categorys which are Free Items and Pro Items. As the user is not registered they will not see an Add to cart button or the price tag on both category pages or product pages. When a user first registers to my website they are granted with a Silver membership automatically which allows them to download items from the, "Free Items," category. This then hides the add to cart and price tag as the item is downloadable and free. There are another 2 Memberships which are Gold and Platinum. As the user had only got a free membership if they go to the pro items category they will be able to buy the product unless they have one of the memberships specified above which will then remove the add to cart button and the price tag and shows a download button Instead. When the user purchases the membership Gold the role Customer is automatically changed to the role Gold Member for the settings to work within the download system which then gives them access to the pro items category. However the Gold Membership is active for 30 days and once it expires the role Gold member needs to be changed back to the role Customer automatically and that's what I'm struggling to do. All advice and support is appreciated.
  11. I have a website that i am currently working on with Wordpress using the theme Flatsome. I have woocommerce installed and activated. I also have Yith Memberships installed and activated. These two plugins work together so you can create memberships on your website and sell virtual/downloadable products. When a user creates an account it will automatically assign them with a free silver membership which allows them to download 2 free files per day. These files are Premium Wordpress Themes, Wordpress plugins etc under the GDPR regulation, I also have a Gold & Platinum membership. When a user visits the product page depending on their membership it will say download depending what product they are looking at and what membership they have active on their account. If they don't have an active membership it will say add to basket. I'm here today to see if anyone can help me customise the download button as its very small, i would like it larger so its more visible. I am also trying to add extra options to the pages such as a demo button and the version of the file which im struggling with. I will leave two screenshots so if someone is willing to help they will get the idea of where i'm coming from. Within the screenshots you will see exactly what i want and what i currently have already. The 1st screenshot is what i need it to be similar too and the second is my website with what i already have got. I have tried editing the CSS within the Yith Membership plugin but it doesn't seem to do anything. Thank you.
  12. Im new to this stuff, i haven't got a clue how to do it or what to change.
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