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Cody last won the day on March 19 2024

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1 Follower

About Cody

  • Birthday 04/28/1992

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  1. Well this is certainly something I didn't see coming, funny what nostalgia and a google search can come up with.
  2. The only suggestion I'll make is to make some of your forums available to the public. You're more likely to earn recurring traffic and new registrants if they have a little something to introduce them to the community.
  3. I put the success of Forumcore/IPBCore on the clever, intuitive and incredibly attractive staff team at the time! *Cough* WOO! *cough*
  4. Sounds like Phun needs a hug and helping hand.
  5. I said my part, paid my dues. Now I reap the rewards, I poke my head in every now and again, but I'm not exactly bussling with conversation. Though I'm certainly not interested in having my account deleted. I do have a certain history here.
  6. Security is going to be a huge issue, be sure to triple check your steps.
  7. Greetings, true believers!

  8. Man it's been a while. Hey everybody! :D

  9. I'm back and stuff! My hammer shines through <3

  10. Reminds me of the Xbox 360 Dashboard background O-o
  11. Trying my hand at Electronica based music. GOD I SUCK!

    1. Justin™


      Color blind and tone tone deaf too, lol.

    2. Cody


      SO RUDE Justin, SO RUDE!

  12. Cody


    AH, MY EYES!
  13. I knew there was something odd about that damn Unicorn...
  14. In the Installation file for Unreal Portal, it explains how to make the portal your homepage
  15. Dragon Ball Z was always a very vibrant show. sharp and crisp. Your banners have style but bring out some brightness and color to really make them pop. You can still adjust opacity without making the image super super dark.
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