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Krönik Karbon

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Krönik Karbon last won the day on September 10 2013

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  1. Personally I use IP.Nexus for subscriptions and it works great. Sends an invoice to the Members' Client Area when their subscription expires, also integrates well with IP.Downloads too. Good Luck!
  2. Version 4.1


  3. Version 4.2.19


  4. Version 7.0


  5. Version ALPHA


    Developper.....: Afterlogic Pty. Features.........: [url="http://afterlogic.com/aurora"]http://afterlogic.com/aurora[/url] Script..............: Afterlogic Aurora Enterprise -LeG6 License...........: Bypassed / Nulled Users/Seats....: Unlimited Expiry..............: None [img]http://scriptz.co/images/aurora/NFO.PNG[/img]
  6. Krönik Karbon

    learn PHP

    Find some open source PHP scripts & dig into the code to see what does what. Trial and error; change some stuff and see where it leads you. Or; do simple things like find out how to code an email sending scripts and modify it to suit your needs using stuff you find on google... Only way to learn is by actually doing it, you can read all the books and ebooks out there, but if you don't do it for yourself you will never understand. The first place to start is always the same.. Say Hello World... and build from there... My first course on PHP started here : <?phpecho "Hello World";?>... then move on from there. <?php$iteration = "Hello World";echo $iteration;?>Or you can pass HTML and POST values <?php //IF the username has not been submitted, display the form;// Notice statements (if, else) are encapsulated by { }// Where $_post is the action method and ['user'] is the value of input "user" if ($_POST['user'] == ' '){ //<- this states that if $_POST['user'] is blank then return what follows (the HTML Form).?><form action="./" method="post"><input type="text" name="user"><input type="submit" Value="Login"></form><?php } //or else say Hello to User.... else {$user = $_POST['user'];echo "Hello ".$user." Welcome!";} ?></body></html>Start simple and work your way up to the Big Leagues... Class, Functions, includes, MySQ, etc....
  7. Hmm, I usually edit the original PNG in Adobe Fireworks, but I think you can do that with CSS in this skin.. I'll look into it and get back to you later or tomorrow... If I don't reply, please remind me through PM. I have allot on my plate atm. Glad it worked for you EDIT: Oh you mean the background color.. Yeah I had that same problem with another skin.. hang on while I search my notes.. will find it for you. Hmmm I jsut tried it with the elemental skin on my forum and my background on hover is black... that's weird.. It is probably in the ipbstyle.css but I don't see at a glance which it is.. If you have firefox, try right click onthe link and goto Inspect Element and see if you can see the class.. Will have to get my notebooks from storage and try to see if I can find it.
  8. The instruction to put php.ini in your public_html folder and mod .htaccess didn't work? You don't need a restart for that. This is a matter for your web hosting provider. If you cannot edit php.ini && you cannot restart your services && you can't do anything that has been sugested && you don't know how it works; then you will need to contact your host and ask them to do it for you. There is no other solution. I am assuming this is a shared hosting package.
  9. isn't that just the regular IPB search bar.. I don't see any reference to google.. Goto AdminCP (ACP) ->Look & Feel-> (http://yoursite.com/admin/index.php?adsess=c1cc9f75f929da9e400aabdcaac983f3&app=core&module=templates&section=skinsets&do=overview) Click on your skin... Goto CSS-> elemental.css Search for : eLeMentaL_inboxMaybe You will see the width is set to 84px Change to suit your need (increase to 104px or more) .eLeMentaL_inboxMaybe {float: left; width: 84px; height: 37px;}That should allow you to see your icon(s)... However it will also push your searchbar further to the right and it will no longer be aligned with the pane. PS: Don't forget to upload the icon to your skin folder in ./style_images/ ...
  10. Really, you gonna tell me to f. off in a public forum when we are all trying to help you. I take time out my life to help you with a simple problem and that is how you show your gratitude. You deserve to fail in fixing this problem with that kind of attitude, who do you think you are? We don't know you and we don't OWE you anything. Learn how to use Google, learn how to appreciate it when people try to help you & learn how to read. You have been spoon fed all the information you need to make it work. Remind me never to try to help YOU ever again. Get bent & go somewhere else for help.
  11. Skin used? Easy fix in CSS or Global Template but need to know the skin you are using to give you the fix..
  12. On cpanel; another solution is to put php.ini in your public_html folder (or your forum root) and set the environment in .htaccess php.ini - upload_max_filesize = 50Mpost_max_size = 51Mmax_input_time = 300max_execution_time = 300 .htaccess - SetEnv PHPRC /public_html/php.ini
  13. Please read the answers carefully, the answer is in there. If you put your upload_max_filesize to 50M you will need to increase the post_max_size in php.ini also. Change these as follow in php.ini. upload_max_filesize = 50Mpost_max_size = 51Mmax_input_time = 300max_execution_time = 300Where 300 = 5 minutes.. (you can change this to a lower number when you are sure everything is working) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2184513/php-change-the-maximum-upload-file-size
  14. I have this same issue, exactly the same. Same package, same problem. THIS IS THE PRPBLEM: Problem stems from admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/sql/mysql_nexus_queries.php @ line 33 WHERE (".$a["extra"].") returns ( ) <- should NOT be empty case self::VIEW_CAT: { return '' . "SELECT count(*) as countFROM " . $this->tbl . "nexus_packagesWHERE " . $baseWhere . " AND p_group IN( " . $a["extra"] . " );"; } SOLUTION: Change $a["extra"] to $a["type"] Voila, PROBLEM SOLVED
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