Find some open source PHP scripts & dig into the code to see what does what. Trial and error; change some stuff and see where it leads you. Or; do simple things like find out how to code an email sending scripts and modify it to suit your needs using stuff you find on google... Only way to learn is by actually doing it, you can read all the books and ebooks out there, but if you don't do it for yourself you will never understand. The first place to start is always the same.. Say Hello World... and build from there... My first course on PHP started here : <?phpecho "Hello World";?>... then move on from there. <?php$iteration = "Hello World";echo $iteration;?>Or you can pass HTML and POST values <?php //IF the username has not been submitted, display the form;// Notice statements (if, else) are encapsulated by { }// Where $_post is the action method and ['user'] is the value of input "user" if ($_POST['user'] == ' '){ //<- this states that if $_POST['user'] is blank then return what follows (the HTML Form).?><form action="./" method="post"><input type="text" name="user"><input type="submit" Value="Login"></form><?php } //or else say Hello to User.... else {$user = $_POST['user'];echo "Hello ".$user." Welcome!";} ?></body></html>Start simple and work your way up to the Big Leagues... Class, Functions, includes, MySQ, etc....