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Everything posted by thearmykid

  1. lol How you manage that ? Hard enough paying for a server to sell hosting on. XD
  2. What are your file permissions on your folder ?
  3. Okay basically there's a hook , which autoposts the threads , once posted in the shout-box with the thread link etc... Been looking for this hook , but not sure what it's called. Help is always appreciated , thanks.
  4. Okay I want to limit members posts , so members can only make so many posts a day , sick of members leeching accounts etc... lol If anyone has an idea on what I can do , currently running ipb 3.44 Will appreciate the help , thanks.
  5. I decided to stick with the logo on the left , designed a new logo , now looks pretty good.
  6. Adding a simple question on the registration settings , should do the trick.
  7. Right click the broken image click copy image url , locate the directory via ftp and simply just replace it with a suitable image.
  8. Basically I was wondering how I would centre the logo on this skin: http://webflake.net/topic/4847-skin-codegame/ I followed some random tutorial online and that was for 3.2 but didn't seem the same for 3.4 Any help is always appreciated.
  9. That's because you don't own the actual server , you can do that if you've got a vps etc.
  10. Ok i installed the theme with the images and made it so everyone can view it so it comes in the option when you want to switch theme on the forum as a member but the problem im having is switching the theme to default so it appears for everyone here is the image the original theme is default and i click the visible image and it just shows hidden and the original theme is stuck on default provided a image also too just cant figure out how to switch the other theme to default even when clicking the images i didn't have this problem on the older version i could just switch the theme to default through clicking the images. Thanks once again
  11. whoa u have some amazing posts ....starting to get addicted to this forum
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