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About Parm

  • Birthday 09/15/1995

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  1. try reinstalling it happens sometimes.
  2. just go to the settings and click the button to switch the directory to what the IPB recognizes as the default. 1. did you get this error when you installed the IPB recently as soon as you logged in ACP. if so try a different IPB 3.4.X from Downloads. 2. did you restore a old DB or any old version of a IPB forums (like a old IPB forums home directory).
  3. make sure you have the user groups you want to show selected, and that the hook itself is enabled.
  4. I found in past when upload a favicon to remove the old one first and then upload the new one. Change name of this favicon.ico e.g. favi.ico and change in skin wrapper this line: ACP>Look & Feel>Choose Skin>Edit Board Header & Footer Wrapper (from dropdown) To this: if renaming it to something else doesn't work try refreshing your browser cache it might be loaded a old part of your forums.
  5. Parm


    I host/setup forums for a ton of people always use this site for hooks ect thought i would join the community and start posting/helping.
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