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Everything posted by 123

  1. 123

    Game ne negative rep for my post? Myidea was actually added to the site! So why would you do that? http://webflake.net/topic/6322-feedback/

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    2. 123


      Actually here I did the hard work for you, since you're too busy to verify your sources before assuming you're correct. I was given an award called the Feather of Support. This is it's description" Feather of Feedback :: Submitted an idea that was actually applied to the website!" Phun also posted this in the thread "This idea was used on the site and has earned you the Feather of Feedback. Thanks!"

    3. 123


      Btw, I'm not "badgering" you over a negative post rating. I'm "badgering" you because I'm confused as to why you did such a thing, I'm trying to be a helpful member of the community, and better myself, hence why I asked "Why would you do that"?

    4. Tony


      Phun awarded you that badge as a courtesy.. reread his post. I'm not going to argue semantics with you, and this discussion is over.

  2. What kinda music is everyone into? I'm looking to expand my collection, and find some new music so be sure to posts albums, songs, artists etc... Thanks!
  3. Aw, lame, I've already seen this.
  4. Hey callum, welcome to webflake.
  5. 123

    Feedback Simple little edit

    Look at my post bit to the left <- See where it says "member" in plain text, and see the userbar that says member under it? It's redundant, would look more professional if you removed the text.
  6. If you've ever needed to bypass windows 7 login without CDs here's how: 1) Turn your computer. (I had to put it haha) 2) While on the screen with the Microsoft logo press and hold power button until your pc turns off. 3) Press the power button to turn on pc again. 4) You should now see the option to launch Start Up repair.. Select it and press enter. 5) Run the Startup Repair. 6) You should see a blue bar moving across the screen repeatedly. There should be messages above itthat will say "searching for problems" or something similar. The message should change to "Attempting repairs" or similar usually within a few minutes. 7) Leave your computer running for a while. The message should be there for approx 15-50 mins, depending on your pc.After some time has passed a message should pop up that says something like "start up repair is unable to fix the problem". Click the arrow next to "show problem details". 8) Scroll to the bottom and click the link to the .txt 9) Notepad will open with the file. 10) In thenotepad that just opened click File >Open. You are now able to use the file browser to perform what is known as the sethc.exe hack . 11) Navigate to C:Windowssystem32 and locate sethc.exe and rename to it to random.exe or whatever. 12) Copy the cmd.exe file and rename the copied file to sethc.exe 13) Restart your computer and at the login screen press the "shift" key 5 times quickly. 14) A command window should open type in the cmd window "control userpasswords2" without the quotation marks. 15) You are now able to make a new admin account and login PS: To any mods, sorry if this is in the incorrect area, feel free to move it. This guide was originally posted on my forum http://widespreadforums.com/Thread-Bypass-windows-7-login-without-using-CDs
  7. I honestly see no point in this... We have many various groups dedicated to spreading warez in a much easier way. Also OP copied and pasted this.
  8. If you're going to spend money on a mic read some product reviews from various sources before making a purchase, I've bought some crap ones.
  9. 123

    Feedback Feedback

    Ok, fair enough. How exactly is a waiting period going to stop bots? I can configure a bot to just wait for the 30 seconds to pass?
  10. 123

    Feedback Feedback

    Waiting 30 seconds to download is obnoxious. Might also want to limit the number of downloads per day, or make a point system for them 5 posts = 1 download, whatever. Might incentive users to post more... Oops, totally didn't mean to post this here... Mind moving it for me?
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