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  1. Original : http://designscore.blogspot.com/2013/09/how-to-easily-show-files-images-on.html , Hello,Today I'm gonna show you how you can change user image to file image. It won't be useful for all because everyone their own taste, but if it was useful for you i will be very happy. This make users to see it more clear way because sometime users including me get confused because other sidebar have same icon(userimage). Preview: Follow the tutorial below : Step 1: [*] Go to ACP [*]Look & Feel [*]Manage Skin Sets & Templates [*]Manage Templates and select your skin then click on it to edit Step 2: [*]After that go to (Downloads) External Downloads [*]portalBlock Step 3: Its time to change some things, i won't show any images now cause you need to find by your own so you learn something for your self, now be ready and be careful so that you don't messed up your codes! Next Search for: {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$row"} Replace with: <a href='{parse url="app=downloads&amp;showfile={$row['file_id']}" base="public" template="idmshowfile" seotitle="{$row['file_name_furl']}"}' class='ipsUserPhotoLink left ipsPad_half'><img src='{$this->registry->idmFunctions->returnScreenshotUrl( $recordIds[ $row['file_id'] ] ? $recordIds[ $row['file_id'] ] : $row, true, count($recordIds) ? true : false )}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini' /></a> That is, you are done! Go to your index page and check out the result. If you don't then remove cache in ACP. So i hope that my tutorial will be useful for you and others as well as this community too. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me.
  2. Original : http://designscore.blogspot.com/2013/09/how-to-auto-add-links-into-code-tags-on.html , Hello to all, With this simple edit we can have auto code tag to all links when create a topic or a post with live links. Forum link code tag makes it easy to indexed search engines, so to facilitate this tutorial I will give a simple and practical in making auto links tags. Follow the tutorial below : [*]admin [*]sources [*]classes [*]bbcode [*]custom [*]defaults.php Or /admin/sources/classes/bbcode/custom/defaults.phpNext step find: return "{$content}";Replace with: return "{$option}";
  3. Sometimes, new members (especially those new to forums) may not always be aware they need to validate their account. I used to have a simple message back on 2.x.x to help them and have now done something similar for IP.Board 3. It's a very simple skin edit to create a box with a reminder message in it. Follow the tutorial below : [*]ACP [*]Look / Feel [*]Manage Skin Sets / Templates [*]Choose skin [*]Manage Templates / CSS [*]Global Templates [*]GlobalTemplate Scroll down about 3/4 of the way down that template and find: {$html} Add this above, after the closing div on a new line: Thank you for registering!As part of the registration process, we require you to validate your email address. You will need to do this before you can post.Please check your inbox for your validation email from us and click the link provided in it. If you did not receive this, please lang->words['resend_val']}'>Click Here to resend it.Save the template. This is the simple message all validating members will now see, along with the extra link to click for a new email if required. You can easily customise the message (for example by allowing validating members to post in a certain forum) as required.
  4. Apologies if this has already been posted but I couldn't find it after searching the forums. This tutorial will show you how to add extra contact fields to members profiles and make them clickable links. This mod will take the user's username and add it on the end of the url you specify so it will work for almost any site that uses that format. Example: User adds "SomeName" to the field, the mod will turn it into "http://www.someplace.com/SomeName" Compatibility :- These were all added during IPB 3.1.2 and still work perfectly in IPB 3.4.4 Uploads :- First off lets upload all the icons we will need! [*]Right-click and save the icons above, using the same file name. (you may also use your own but still keep the same file name) [*]Open up your FTP program [*]Navigate to to publicstyle_extracprofile_icons [*]Upload the images you saved to this folder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding The Custom Fields [*]Login to your ACP and select the Members Tab [*]Select the Custom Profile Fields link [*]Click the Add Field icon [*]Use the information below to add the custom profile field. Leave everything else not listed blank/set to No. [*]After you have entered the information below click Add Field. Facebook [*] Field Title: Facebook [*]Description: Enter just your Facebook name here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_facebook.gif [*]Field Key: facebook [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes Twitter [*] Field Title: Twitter [*]Description: Enter just your Twitter username here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_twitter.gif [*]Field Key: twitter [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes YouTube [*] Field Title: YouTube [*]Description: Enter just your YouTube username here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_youtube.png [*]Field Key: youtube [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes Steam [*] Field Title: Steam [*]Description: Enter just your Steam username here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png [*]Field Key: steam [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes Now you have setup the profile Fields just the skin edits left to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skin Edits Login to your ACP and navigate to the Look & Feel tab Select the skin you want. Under the Templates tab select Profiles Select "customFieldGroup_contact" *IMPORTANT* Take a copy of the info in the template and save it in notepad in case of problems. Find :- {$f->parsed} Replace with :- {$f->parsed} {$f->parsed} {$f->parsed} {$f->parsed} {$f->parsed} And thats all the skin edits that are required. Remember to do this for each skin you use on your forum.
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