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  1. I recommend LastPass for managing passwords. With a password, you can move your all password on your side.
  2. if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/index.php"){ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = "-"; } Hi all. How can we adapt this php code to htaccess code? Unfortunately I couldn't. Thank you in advance.
  3. There is that panel but it can't detect multiple memberships. It writes "No machines to show!" in admin panel user management's Duplicate Members Logger tab. It can't get user's machine id. I guess therefore it doesn't work. If you would look, I may give you the site's passwords.
  4. Hi all. I've installed Duplicate Members Logger application's last version (3.0.4) for detecting multiple memberships. dml.swf is run in the page source but it can't detect multiple memberships. When I look to Duplicate Members Logger tab in the member settings, writes "No machines to show!" in machine ids. I've tried another browsers and another systems, then set dml.swf's chmod settings to 777, the problem continues. Flash Player plugin is installed. I couldn't find the problem. What do I need? I'm sorry for English, I am not British. My site's adress: http://sanaldosya.org/ Thank you in advance.
  5. The problem is still continuing. The problem has been whitespace in conf_global.php. I've fixed the problem. The topic could be close. Good day.
  6. The problem has been whitespace in conf_global.php. I've fixed the problem. The topic could be close. Good day.
  7. I'm refreshing again and again but it can't be. @DragonVoid I will try, thanks.
  8. Hi all. What is the theme of webflake use now? Is a special theme? Or where can we get this theme? I only wonder. Good day.
  9. I can't download no files. It says "You may not download any more files until your other downloads are complete" or "You must wait 20 seconds before you can download this file. Once 20 seconds have passed, please refresh this page.". I don't download nothing. I've restarted my modem, logouted and signed but the problem is continuing. Even I've restarted my computer.
  10. Finallly my account was approved. Neither I haven't liked new skin. But features are very good.
  11. I've sent pm you. I've tried changing all files and folders chmod with 777. It wasn't. I've downloaded all files, after deleted all files, and uploaded again. It wasn't. I've copied my forum fully to localhost, it wasn't again . Help...
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