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  1. Got it working, thanks so much for your help. Unfortunately I can't just create the CPF because this needs to be a global change that will occur for all 600+ users, and not just certain ones. For now, updating through phpMyAdmin will do fine, but I suppose I'll eventually create a hook that allows me to change Nitrox2 levels from the Admin CP.
  2. Perfect, thank you very much! Is there anything in particular I should name the images? Also, where should I upload them to?
  3. Okay, thanks, I've altered the table. I have way too many members to do it all by hand, unfortunately. Still not quite sure how to show the value as an image in the userinfo. I assume it works similar to the other bits of information that are displayed by default to the userinfo.
  4. I'm not sure which table, to be honest. I would assume members? I'm very new to custom profile fields, admittedly I know very little about how they work, and I just used the tool in the Admin CP to create the new field. 5 is full, and -5 would be empty, so 0 is neutral (half full). All users should start with a neutral level, and can either get their Nitrox2 levels lowered or increased.
  5. I've made a custom profile field that represents the user's "Nitrox2" level (I don't expect anyone to get the reference ). This is a bar that indicates the user's reputation (NOT IPB's rep system) and only staff can change the user's Nitrox2 level. I have it so that it defaults to half full, or the value 0, and users can gain or lose up to 5 Nitrox2 points. I want this to be a global profile field that shows up on all user profiles in the topic view, but I have no idea how to code this into UserInfoPane. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
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