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Arman K

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Arman K last won the day on February 20 2014

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  1. Uhh i dont think it is but you should try to look in the shoutbox files instead?
  2. Or you could back-up the files yourself by going to your CPanel and then Back-ups and create a backup. When you have done creating your Backup the .zip folder should be in your home directory > go to File Manager , and then Home directory it should be in there.
  3. Nice good job Edit 100 posts yippie
  4. Arman K


    Hihihihihi -ed you!
  5. Arman K


    Hi welcome to the community of Flakies
  6. DeadlyEcho was Called TeamDeathup before and now we have changed our clan name to DeadlyEcho As some of you guys maybe know we are new on Call of Duty Ghosts and looking for clan members,If you would like to join us please reply the apply format here on this topic,As we are a old clan with have been on different games we ofcourse got our own new TeamSpeak 3 server for our clan to,Website is still in creation though after we have finished our website our website will be published to the public,For now we only have our TeamSpeak 3 server with is actually already enough,We almost play together all the time,We do such different Game modes to let everyone in our clan have fun,We will be only asking you to join our party when we really need you to This could be for leveling our clan up,Team playing or Clan Wars,I am responsible and i will be for everything that happens in our clan. Our clan tag ; DLEO Clan K/D ; 2.52 Clan Win % ; 72 Current Clan Members, ViruSKOsYouDowN - K/D Ratio 3.712 PR1Codking - K/D Ratio 0.841 Drakemarley69 - K/D Ratio Not seen yet but has some good matches. Dying_Mexican - K/D Ratio Not seen yet. Do you think you got it, to join our clan? Apply to our clan by posting the format : Psn ; K/D Ratio ; Wins ; W/L Ratio ; Preferred Weapon ; Hours you will play Daily ; Whitch prestige are you ( you must be in a Prestige ); Are you willing to be active and follow the rules ; What is your Time Zone so we know when you will be online ; Do you have a Mic Y/N ; Do you speak english very well ; Will you be playing with us when we invite you to our party Y/N ; Example : Psn ; K/D Ratio ; 3.712 Wins ; 5749 W/L Ratio ; 2.257 Preferred Weapon ; L115 Hours you will play Daily ; 10-15 Hours Whitch prestige are you ( you must be in a Prestige ); Max Prestige Are you willing to be active and follow the rules ; Yes What is your Time Zone so we know when you will be online ; EU West Do you have a Mic Y/N ; N Do you speak english very well ; Yes Will you be playing with us when we invite you to our party Y/N ; Y Those are my stats. Our voice servers we use are Skype and TeamSpeak 3 Our Teamspeak 3 Server is , Ts3.DeadlyEcho.com DeadlyEcho.com Regards, OnlyPlayingGames - Commander of DeadlyEcho. TeamSpeak 3 Still needs some working on Clan matches And Solo Matches of Clan Members.
  7. I think you will have to change it via your Filemanager as the white might be a Picture or the whole bar you showed. Try looking for the bar or the white picture at your files manager. If its the bar you will need to Insert the Image you want to be in there as a layer into it.
  8. Welcome to the Community of flakes!
  9. Arman K

    Question Help please!

    I know the problem its the same for me, When you click on Download at the topic or marketplace There will be another Download ( wait 10 seconds before clicking on that Download ) And you should be fine. Feel free to reply if you need any more help. Regards, Arman K.
  10. We are currently having Issue's with the domain, As we can prove you that our Web Hosting still runs ( http://forumshockz.com ) our Gaming community with is hosted by us and still Online as you see. The domain issue should be fixed shortly.
  11. Thank you for your reply, We will be looking forward to host for you! Regards, Arman K.
  12. Hey, As CEO of Prentahost.com I would like to introduce Prentahost to the community of Webflake, As you might have seen the prices, We are really cheap and affordable. Please note that we only Allow people to use Their domains with our Plans and we do not allow Domain registrations. Atleast 9 Chat opperator's are available 24/7 So we can assist you faster then ever. Managed means really Managed! What will we do when you purchase a managed plan? We will help you with anything you need assistance with for free, Un-Managed plans will need to pay a extra fee of $2.50 for our Support on software installations. Our prices are starting from only $0,99/Monthly! Click here to go to our website Regards, Prentahost CEO - Arman K.
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