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  1. Staff Applications System 1.9.2
  2. My invision community has been running for a while on windows . I have basicly everything working . but i regret using my boot drive as its quickly filling up . how would i go about moving it to D: drive ? Just the (files) i can do the mysql database anytime thats not a big deal . running under IIS 7
  3. circuits

    Question Donated

    Tier 1 - Frost - Donate $10 i paid the 10$ to get to 20 per day
  4. Hello from me .. im new also
  5. circuits

    Question Donated

    How long after donating does my rank get upgraded ? Im rookie but its also stopping me at 5 downloads even though the chart shows 10
  6. Android if you like Freedom and Your smart enough to fix what you fffd up with your freedom . IOS if you like being herded like sheep and just want stuff to work the same each time with limited choices .
  7. Just saying hello to everyone . Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday !
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