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  1. No it's not that. What my edit does is revert the header back to the default invision header. None of the top bar with user bar etc. It removes that and puts the user bar back inline with the standard header. Like this: Replaced with:
  2. I couldn't find anyway of removing the top bar? Where abouts is it?
  3. Don't know if this will help anyone but thought id post it anyway. I'm not a fan of the Fluent theme top bar and prefer the header that comes out of the box. To change it back to default go to themes -> AxenDev fluent theme -> Edit HTML & CSS Open globalTemplate Comment out this section of code Then to get the userbar into the header (which was in the top bar previously). Add the code: {template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""} here:
  4. Hi. Few issues setting up but glad to be part of WebFlake.
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