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Everything posted by Angel8

  1. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    I understand brother, but I understand the minimum of code
  2. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    can anybody help me? sorry for insisting so much
  3. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    Here is a tutorial for xenforo, but I don't know how to adapt it for ips as I don't code. [XF 2.0] Frames for avatars - XenForo Tutorials - WebFlake
  4. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    this is the forum Web - Forum VIP Frames - Forum VIP Frames | UGC-Gaming.NET - United Gaming Community
  5. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    The administrator of that site will not give me the code, besides that his site is xenforo
  6. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    Yes, I already have the frames, but I need the code, can you help me with that? thank you
  7. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    Hello Brother how are you? I already have the animated frames, but what I don't know is how to adapt it since I'm a beginner at this PS: Merry christmas
  8. Angel8

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is any way to add these animated frames, and if you can give a different one to each member, thank you very much in advance!
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