I'm able to login as a member, however, when I try to login into the ACP, the page does nothing but just refresh.
I can login by spamming the login button and end up on the admin dashboard with the error 2S119/1 The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information. (Yes I did try and change the ACP theme to no avail) Another thing I noticed is that sometimes the querystring will have "error=NO_ADSESS" in the URL bar.
I can fully login sometimes by just waiting at the login page and then clicking login but thats VERY rare.
I am running the LEMP stack with php 7.4.
I have also tried updating the conf_global.php to change the url between https and http and nothing changes.
I have also tried typing in my credentials without autofill to no avail.
I've cleared my cache and cookies etc a number of times that did nothing.
I am behind cloudflare and i have tried everything there is to do on there.