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  • Birthday 03/19/1991

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  1. in admin settings i think for members tab check there
  2. Well that's just plain cruel for staff to think just a thing like that!! we should revoke it or vote on it? we are congress on this site
  3. Nulled

    Iphone 4s vs 5

    LoL thats so true man
  4. yea i had someone do the same as ttg but i to love the xpg homepage but i love ttg
  5. hello i found this on the web and i thought it was cool can anyone take the grey out from behind the red ECG and just give the the psd or whatever i just what the red ECG thank yu http://i1.ytimg.com/i/glxNd-bk1xxzSp_3EnPLbg/1.jpg?v=4f7e6729
  6. Hello can anyone make me the same banner but change the text please http://gyazo.com/f19e9db853efd7507bcac99af288fe94 1st Can anyone change the text from ForumCamp into EliteConsoleGamers 2nd can anyone change the Webmaster to Gaming please And can anyone make into a psd file thanks thank you
  7. i know there is something simmiler its rep like money! so much they unlocked a forum to me i think thats a crummy way to do it
  8. hello on my site i have this banner http://gyazo.com/85f878224fc0bc4fc9168b49b5eb5eb5 i would like to have this and i have permission aswell from the owner http://gyazo.com/3e259612bce0dbad490dcad12fb419ed i was wondering if anyone can it so that hes holding on a controller (xbox) please and a xbox console near him maybe a tv if you can please thanks
  9. Hello im sorry for posting this in the wrong section i dont know where to post this? I have couple of ranks that i like to have Text changes ill post the rank and the new rank title okay. can you change the text to say (Site Administrator) please can you change the text to say (Global Moderator) please can you change the text to say (System) please can you change the text to say (Wizard) please can you change the text to say (Uploader) please Im sorry to say please all that many times if i were to know how to do it i would do it i be very appreciate it thank you
  10. hello im looking for this hook or whats this called for staff/mods can have this do u see the Staff on the side bar in green can anyone link me the hook or whats it called
  11. i would very indeed love to have the skin mate when will yu be releasing it?
  12. very nice but better change it it a little so sean cant sue you for infringments okay lookout
  13. Nulled

    thank you for the badge man thanks you

  14. yes which i have but what im asking is if somone can take the image shown and make it say System becouse in the pack of ranks you dont have? okay
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