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Everything posted by Kosta2

  1. Kosta2

    IPS 4.6 Email Settings

    Hello, Please Help me to Fix my Email Settings, I got error Due Sending Verification Email, I have incorrect settings , so if you can show me the way, i have CPanel and i did not know how to config it for IPS Incoming outgoing Settings Thanks .
  2. Hello, How can i Display Groups Like Webflake? There is any plugin ? Thanks
  3. I mention Webflake for example and why do noone teach me? i think this forum is for educational also , But ok , thanks anyways .
  4. Kosta2

    IPS 4.6 Member Validation

    In my country i we have so bad hosting providers i cant find best hosting for good supporting team , They did not answering me its near more then 20 days.. i do not know what can i do ..
  5. Kosta2

    IPS 4.6 Member Validation

    Hello, Guys Please I Need instruction How to setting up my Email Validation for members, i am Using Cpanel - And Validation code/link did not Receved Need Way to fix this Issue, I do not need to only use Administrator Validation Only (Manual) Thank you all.
  6. Hello, Please give me some advise how to set up my store like - https://webflake.sx/store/ I Need Full instructions please
  7. @mr-pimpen How Can you Teach me ? for Example?
  8. Hello, How Can i Change my forum Favicon Very Simply? I Need to drop favicon to "public_html" mainc directory and thats all? Thanks.
  9. Kosta2

    IPS 4.6 Name History

    Yes, I am interested in how to do that, i want to disable for specific group.
  10. Kosta2

    IPS 4.6 Name History

    Guys, Thank you all for you time , please i am just starter and i am Learning here with you all How can i Disable to View "Name History" Button? I want to disable to someone can see user's Changed name. I Guess You know what i mean
  11. @ Tony Thank You So much for your time, Please take a look my screenshot, i mean this
  12. Hello, I Just Forgot How to set Question During Registration Please Show me the Screenshot Please to protect forum spam registration for + Tell me where can i find please Vote Up or vote down Plugin witch has webflake Thank you so much.
  13. What can i do ? I Will do my best For Community?
  14. Hello, i Just got this message, please help me to hide this message couse i really do not need theme update this is alert message screenshot! P.S - i just delete from inspect element but i rly do not know how to remoe from live version , please need help
  15. Yes, Not Works For 4.6 Please Fix if you can. Thank you.
  16. Kosta2


    Thanks, is it posible to Upload my Favorite Font? I want to add only 1 Font For interface.
  17. Kosta2


    i am just starter i cant find location can you explain more detail? than you so much
  18. Kosta2


    Hello Guys, I Love This Forum , love This Community Please Guys Teach me how can i change Default font location Please, i want to change it, i guess You can help me for it Thanks You Guys For your Time
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