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Everything posted by Gugus

    Hello thank you for this sharing.
    Hello, thank you for this sharing I was waiting for it
  1. Happy Christmas to all your close friends and animals

    Good evening I confirm it has bugs.
  2. Gugus

    IPS 4.6 RSS feeds

    I'm not a pro so I dunno I just wanted to know if this is normal or if someone has the answer
  3. Gugus

    IPS 4.6 RSS feeds

    Hello thank you for the answer except that I take them on your site and as it is the same at home I was wondering https://webflake.sx/files/files.xml/?member=130122&key=29a187a71a9ea9ee9271550e000ff2e9 https://webflake.sx/files/
  4. Gugus

    IPS 4.6 RSS feeds

    Hello, I would like to know if it is normal to have this page on the rss feed?
  5. Thank you very much for the help to have me connected with facebook because I had not managed to do it for twitter either I dropped it must have a bug somewhere you are a person of confidence big thank you
  6. Thank you yes I did but it does not work I will try again
  7. Thanks for the answer I can't configure this thing I got an error Something went wrong Please try again. I don't have what's here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/social-sign-in/twitter-r303/
  8. Hello thank you I can not I understand you can move my subject if I do not arrive time
  9. Hello, well in fact it does not work the connection with twitter it is difficult for me to describe the problem
    Good evening thank you this stuff and awesome
  10. Hi I can't setup the twitter app do you think you can help me? I do everything that is said here to me it does not work I can't seem to have this https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/social-sign-in/twitter-r303/
    Hello thank you for this quick sharing. I updated I had no problem or bug.
  11. Hello, I try to clear the cache, install a new theme to test on another browser, nothing or done this code ... come back sytematically I'm waiting for the Nulled IPS Community Suite 4.6.9 we'll see if it does anything ..
  12. Thank you I deleted them even I install a new code come back it's a sick thing
  13. As soon as I reinstall a theme, the code comes back ?
  14. Hello thank you for the answer even if I change the theme it remains there I emptied the cache in Support it always remains there Your reason when I take the theme not default, it's no longer there
  15. Hello, I'm getting back to you because this code Analytics stuff is driving me crazy .. I deleted everything that's disabled this damn code just stays there
  16. Thank you it's great top the php.ini is in Admin added upload_max_filesize = 516m
  17. Re, Thank you very much man go see that I'll tell you the answer
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