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Chance last won the day on January 28 2018

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About Chance

  • Birthday 05/30/1995

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  1. To prevent the CSS from being overwritten in a future update to the theme, I would recommend going into your custom.css file, which holds all custom styling codes you should use for your theme. When in custom.css, add the following: .cke_wysiwyg_div { background-color:HEX COLOR HERE; } This will allow you to change the hex color of the background. I do want to mention I'm piggybacking off the original answer, so if this doesn't seem to work, please leavea. live link to your site and I can provide a more specific answer for you.
  2. Welcome to WebFlake, you'll find a lot of great resources here.
  3. Welcome to WebFlake! A ton of help here for sure.
  4. Chance

    BMW or Audi?

    BMW. But, Audi R8 is one of my dream cars. Lol.
  5. People who get mad at the silliest shit. Like me.
  6. Wow.. they really made it simple, rather than having to use first, second, etc classes. Lol. Good guide, will probably use next time I'm making a theme!
  7. This is what I see. When I open the image in a new tab it looks to retain the same quality i see in thi picture, too.
  8. This snippet of code should be able to remove the Pip Rank name. ul.cAuthorPane_info.ipsList_reset .ipsType_break { display: none; } As for the image, it's peculiar, I haven't experienced that before. Is your page zoomed in perhaps? From the looks of the screenshot the username stays large and in quality, but the image does not. On my end on your site it isn't looking like yours. Perhaps your page may be zoomed in to the point where your image has been blown up which reduces the quality. Just an idea, though. Otherwise I'm not very sure of the problem.
  9. In your CSS, I would search for this line: .ipsUserPhoto_tiny img Within that, there should be a "box-shadow" line. Remove that and it should remove the shadow for you. Sorry if this is hard to understand, I'm not very good without being able to see it live. If you don't understand what I mean, you could message me your forum link and I can give a more detailed fix. Same should be for the font-awesome icons, I'm just unsure what CSS class that would be under, perhaps a search for "font-awesome" in your CSS and doign the same process as above could help with that!
  10. Chance

    S > Domain

    I admit to being wrong on it not being an extension to Colombia, since it just started being globally advertised a few years ago, I didn't believe it. But, regardless, .co is not a problem. "Google has specifically labeled .CO as a generic domain extension ("gccTLD" to be exact) and that means your site is given equal treatment in their search results pages assuming you have quality content." And the generic price for purchasing a .co domain is still higher than a .com. I am not saying that .co domains are worth more than .co. They are only more expensive upon the initial registration. Not that serious brudda. I'm not longer needed to reply back to this because I've gotten what I got to say out.
  11. Chance

    S > Domain

    This is an old topic but since it was already dug, I feel it is vital to know. .CO is not a columbian extension. It just happens to be the acronym for Columbia. .CO are valued much higher than .COM, but are also way more available because it hasn't been around but a couple years. in terms of unique domain names, the same would be more expensive in .com. In terms of just a domain name, they cost about 20+ a year in compeition with the 8 dollars a year with .com.
  12. Merry Christmas, and I look forward to see the updates come that were introduced from this giveaway. A spectacular idea this was!
  13. Hm. Check your conf_global.php file, which should be in your forum's root directory. Verify that your board url is including the https:// and not just http:// $INFO['board_url'] = 'https://www.yourdomain.com'; Then clear your site's cache.
  14. Chance


    @Denetor This application is stand alone, and not meant to be integrated with IPB. Simply install it in a new directory on your web host and follow the instructions provided by the documentation included. With the right development team, I am sure you could integrate this with IPB. However, the download here does not include that feature.
  15. I seriously had no clue about that feature as long as I've been doing this, as I've never had a use for it until now. Thanks a lot!
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