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  1. Can anyone help, or no one knows how this stuff works here Thanks for the no help here..... wonder why some people dont contribute. I figured out my issue so you can close this darn thread!
  2. Hey guys, i have found the orginal shift theme, everything seems to work except the More (dropdown menu ordeal). [see screenshot] Can anyone or does anyone know how to get that fixed? In the ipbfs.config file i have this marked yes: <if test="$this->settings['defaultMoreDropdown']='yes'"></if> and as you see still does not work. So can anyone help that issue out? Once fixed i may try to export and place in downloads if anyone wants it, but dont want to put out a bugged version. thank you So anyone? I want to provide to all but not with that bug in it. Hrmm, I take it nobody wants this skin nor knows how to fix the issue, Seems you cant find to much help on ipb sites....... Or is the a certain way the question needs to be asked? Any help would be appreciated.....
  3. Thank you Lock Down. Downloading now, Testing and if all is good I will supply both image folders for downloads so others can use this method if they restricted to. Thanks again Hey Lock, When you tested this theme were the header links all pressed together on top? The banner colum at the bottom a bit off from background, also couple other minor errors? currently trying to figure out how to get the top links spaced out and looking better lol. Thanks though
  4. Really, No one got this installed to supply a alternate way. Just need images folder.
  5. Hello folks, I have searched your forums, google, other ipb null sites with little to no answers on this. I have a issue a many others do and i know a work around but, still trying to import the images-espada-premium.xml file etc. Issue is as many have on bot of these skins: images-espada-premium images-Esmona A lot of people have been getting the dreaded500 internal server error (Drives me nuts, the only 2 sins I ever get those on) Well I have gotten the Esmona skin images imported once and just so happen to save the images folder on my desktop during a file clean up I was doing on my webserver. Now if you have the images folder fro previously importing the images xml you can simply upload the folder to /server/public/style_images/ via ftp. THN IN YOUR ADMIN STYLES IMPORT SKIN: chose that folder under "Use Image Set" when you import the skin. Now Just continue with the replacement images xml and done. NOW MY Support/Request question is this: has anyone gotten the images-espada-premium to import that can zip up the images folder and provide a download to it or something? When I have both I will upload to my file host server and provide continuous downloads for both. It just will no import or me. Hope someone does. Thanks for the help.
  6. I Agree that desktops are powerful, but nowadays so are laptops. I have switched to a laptop and it runs games just as good as a powerful desktop. Its all in your specs from harddrive, ram, graphics cards etc. Options is key, so go with a higher speced desktop or laptop in your price range. Can always upgrade either as well.
  7. Hey peeps, Been awhile since ive been on, last laptop went out so now im back online YAY! Hi.
  8. zombicydal


    Version 1.5.2


    A full-featured Tutorials/Article system for your IP.Board. Here's a quick rundown of some of the features for this application:[list] [*]Unlimited categories of articles, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships [*]Ability to use comments system or support topics, or both [*]Per-category permissions to show category, read articles, submit articles, add comments, and avoid approval queues [*]Numerous group permissions on various actions [*]Moderator actions on articles and comments [*]Ability to create RSS feeds of all tutorials, and selected categories [*]Ability to attach files to tutorials [*]Integration with IP.Board's Report Manager [*]Ability to create multi-paged tutorials [*]Included portal plugins for random, popular, and recent tutorials [*]Adds a 'Tutorials' tab to Member Profiles showing their submissions [*]Sidebar hook showing recent tutorials [*]Hook to quickly convert a forum post into a new tutorial [*]Ability to copy a tutorial from one category to another [*]Friendly URLs for tutorials and categories [*]Ability to give reputation points for tutorials [*]Integration with the board search + Sphinx search support [*]Rate tutorials, or follow them to receive notifications on updates [*]Integration with IP.Board's Share Links system to share, download, or print articles [*]Get notifications for approved/rejected submissions, and when your articles get new comments [*]Integration with the [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4589-queued-items/"]Queued Items[/url] hook [*]Integration with the IP.Board's sitemap system to include tutorials in your forum's sitemap [*]And much, much more! [/list]
  9. Hi lock down. I use the maxx light skin I think is the name. Now if I clik on that skin I see: Skin_tutorial_display skin_tutorials_post skin_tutorials_external skin_tutorials_ global. Where abouts would I see "tutorials_display" Is that somewhere else? Ill look around see if I can find anything with that besides what I pointed out.
  10. Ok I got version 1.5.2 of the tutorials now which supports all ipb versions. Still same error , so I looked in the file it calls: Fatal error: Call to a member function mainPage() on a non-object in /home/content/06/11573506/html/admin/applications_addon/other/tutorials/modules_public/display/index.php on line 85 Its not pulling the template as this is line 85: $this->registry->tutStandard->output .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('tutorials_display')->mainPage( $this->lang->words['tutorials'], $data['cats'] ); So any idea on this matter? New here so I am not sure if I can upload the 1.5.2 version of tutorials I found but want to make sure it works before hand. thanks
  11. Hey thanks for the reply. That is what I am unsure of due to the side note saying: Compatibility: 3.4.2 But then it says in the typed notes 3.4 etc. So I figured I would try it. It Does work until you create a category then those errors appear so im very unsure about it all. That's on using ipb 3.4.4 nulled and 3.4.5 So maybe a compatibility issue overall? do you know of anywhere else to pick up tutorials for ipb, let me know. Thanks again
  12. Hello folks, I am getting errors that I am trying to figure out the cause etc with. I am using Retail 3.4.5 (from your site) tutorials is 1.5.0 (from here) Error is: Fatal error: Call to a member function hookRecentArticles() on a non-object in /home/content/06/11573506/html/hooks/tutorialsRecentlyAdded_76603c2763459a6c934d4d8d51eff552.php on line 67 So when you remove the hook then you get this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function mainPage() on a non-object in /home/content/06/11573506/html/admin/applications_addon/other/tutorials/modules_public/display/index.php on line 85 Its fine on first install these errors don't take place until you make your first category. Anyone able to help or guide or suggest anything? Did not find anything upon searching the site. Thans for the help.
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