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  1. * Solution Found* Hello everyone. I wanted to let you all know that I found a solution to my brilliant discord integration with IPS 4.5 and I'll tell everyone how I did it in case other people have similar issues. I started with a fresh discord server - no roles, no bots, no members, not a single thing but the bare fresh install. I then enabled Brilliant Discord through my IPS and followed the configurations. Set the oauth2 callback, use the secret token, and finish step by step prompted integration through my community application. Once the integration was completed, I viewed my server as my bot (server settings, roles, selected my bot and clicked view server as role). While I was viewing my server as my bot, I created the appropriate roles that I wanted, all of the rooms I wanted, and assigned them as private or public as needed. When I went back to my community, i made sure each member group was edited and assigned the appropriate role in the discord settings. Using my test account "rando," i was able to connect to my server and all my roles were correct with permissions into correct rooms. This may have been a long way of doing it, but it did work.
  2. It would seem that my shortcoming is setting up discord then, because even with administrative privileges, or what I assume are correct privileges, the error persists. Thank you for your assistance. I will try to keep getting it to work in tolerable intervals.
  3. Hello, I am having trouble getting Brilliant Discord Integration to work. I am working with Invision 4.4.10 and have Brilliant Discord Integration 1.0.11. I've worked through the BDI configuration, and have it setup however when a user clicks on the discord link on my forums, they are onboarded through the bot, and returned to the forums with an error as seen in the attached images. I don't understand what setting is causing the error code, or how to fix it. I have attempted the following configurations: Member not logged into discord, or connected through the BDI bridge. When they click on the invite link, the onboarding begins and returns the attached error. My discord server isn't added to the user's servers. Member logged into discord, but not connected through the BDI bridge. When they click on the link, the onboarding begins and returns the attached error. But the discord account preferences are selected and member is "logged in." Member is logged in to discord, has active BDI bridge, and clicks the link and they are told they are already connected. No settings have allowed me to link discord server roles with member groups, even though all the correct settings in 'member groups' dealing with discord are selected. Any pointed suggestions or step by step walkthroughs, because I'm wracking my brain.
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