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  1. Hello. I need to use the Forum Theme ( Forum Design / Footer and Header Include ) for a custom php code. What I try to mean is that I want to make a .php code but with the forum design, and not using custom css because it's sick, if someone can help me please!!!!
  2. I need to put a Custom Widget (WYSIWYG Block) for a Custom Page. I searched the code and {template="widgetContainer" group="pages" app="cms" params="'col1', $widgets, 'horizontal'"} works, but don't save the widget, I refresh the page and the widget disappear xd, if someone can help me please! Thanks, and I have another question, how can I make pagination? I searched and searched a lot of but I didn't get results
  3. Hello. I recently found a very nice plugin to IPBoard that is very useful, but the problem is that don't work as the correct way, when I added a ban, the main page throws me this error Error: Undefined constant 'IPS\HTMLENTITIES' (0) #0 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/applications/playerpanelamxx/sources/Table/Table.php(466): IPS\playerpanelamxx\Table\_Db->getRows() #1 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/applications/playerpanelamxx/modules/front/panel/panel.php(118): IPS\playerpanelamxx\Table\_Table->__toString() #2 [internal function]: IPS\playerpanelamxx\modules\front\panel\_panel->_banList() #3 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/applications/playerpanelamxx/modules/front/panel/panel.php(61): call_user_func() #4 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\playerpanelamxx\modules\front\panel\_panel->manage() #5 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/applications/playerpanelamxx/modules/front/panel/panel.php(42): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\playerpanelamxx\modules\front\panel\_panel->execute() #7 /home/oldskool/domains/oldskoolgamers.xyz/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} If someone knows how to make the plugins works, or is there an updated version, thanks you
  4. Thanks you too much! Now finally. How can I update from 4.4 to 4.5 without reinstalling all the forum? This is my final answer, thx u for helping me
  5. Hello! I already found a solution searching deep, xD. If anybody want's to know what I did Make a Custom Page [Custom HTML] -> Content -> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#main").load( "some.php" ); }); </script> then in the FTP you just need to create the file in my case "stats.php" and done. Now, I need help with something maybe so stupid but I'm "begginer" in IPBoard. I need to set the forum under maintenance, do you know a way to do it?
  6. See this, this is a Empty Custom Page what I'm trying to do is to set a Custom Page/Forum Template in a custom php file Is that posible or not? Or has you said I need to use the forum css?
  7. I need help including the forum template in a custom php code. I mean, when I do a custom php file I need to use another style and I don't like it too much because I prefer the forum style, so, is there any way to set the forum template (custom page template (idk)) in a php code? If there's a way to do it, please help me, thanks ?
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