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  1. Is there a way to resolve this alert: I've checked every page in that section but there are no unapproved posts and there are none in the Approval Queue list either. It's been there for a couple of weeks and it is bugging me. Does anyone know how to resolve this or have any ideas to try? Please?
  2. I'm not a coder but I'm trying to learn while managing my site. I've installed Rules. 1.4.6 for IPS 4.4.1 I managed to accomplish a simple Action where a member posts a topic in a certain forum. That was easy. Now I'm trying to figure out how to give members an award when they have reached a total content count amount like 250 topics and add others based on the number of topics they have created. I've created the Rule and now I'm trying to set a Condition for posting 250 topics. I'm in the Conditions page but I cannot figure out how to add a condition based on number of topics created. I think it will require some simple piece of code that I don't know. Can someon help me by giving me the code I need to use please? If that's not how it's done tell me how to do it. I'm sure it's simple once you know what to do and I can go about creating all the Rules I need. I hope that's the case anyway. I've attached some screengrabs of how far I've gotten and where I'm stuck. Please help me. Thank you in advance. You guys always help struggling webmaster apprentices out and it's appreciated.
    This is a great theme. I've been using it for a few months on my forum. The blurred background gives it a more fluid feel as you scroll. The headers for each section have the partially transparent hammered glass background that reveals the underlying colors and makes your mind connect them to the page background. Very interesting look. The customizations in the ACP allow you to change the background to fit your site. The color palette that comes with the theme is so striking I don't know why anyone would want to make adjustments but there are a lot of adjustments available. Overall I like it a lot. I gave it 5 stars.
  3. It's for the forum. I appreciate your advice. I will leave this open in case someone sees my question and can give me directions plus any code I need to use. That's what I was hoping for.
  4. Thank you! Yes. Here is the screengrab. In the ModCP I want to add an announcement background color like the ones indicated with red arrow:
  5. I need more color choices for Announcement backgrounds. I’ve looked for an app but found none. I’ve googled it but found no answers. I use IPS 4.4.1 can someone help me, please?
  6. I found a way to solve the Shoutbox emoji problem and I will try to explain it here. Go to ACP,->CUSTOMIZATION->Emoji->Custom Emoji->Add Custome Emoji then upload desired emoji files to an exiting or new set->Save->Save again on Emoji overview page->ACP System->SITE FEATURES->Applications->Shoutbox->open drop down menu at far right of page->Upload a new version->then reinstall the same Shoutbox application from your drive->Your Site->refresh the page and voila! The emojis are ready to use! I don't know why I decided to try this and I don't know why this works but it does work for me. Each time I add a new emoji or set of emojis I reinstall the app afterwards and it works. Go figure. Don't go crazy and add too many emojis/animated emojis like I did. My server and Cloudflare couldn't handle the load and I got 522 and 508 errors and the site went off line. Don't know why that happened either so just add them in moderation. M
  7. I am running Invision Community v4.4.10 NULLED I need help with emojis, custom emojis and Shoutbox emojis. None of them work. The problem started when I the custom emojis I uploaded would show the code but not the emoji in the shoutbox. I tried and tried different sizes and extensions. I couldn't get it to work and the emojis in the text editor were like outdated. I'm not a coder or even experienced with cPanel so I asked a friend who knows a little more than I do said he could delete the emojis from the folder in cPanel and then I could add new ones. I told him to do it. That didn't work. Now I have no emojis of any kind and I still get custom emojis to work. I need help. I wondered if there is a way to install the IPS v4.4.10 again on top of the version already loaded like an upgrade or something and if I did that would it restore the emojis? Another question is why won't custom emojis work? I will greatly appreciate your help with this. It has been torturing my mind for several months now and I'm tired of the problem I can't resolve. Thank you Merlin
  8. Apparently the problem was related to the basic structure of the IPS software and srcset would not help with my problem. The best solution was to create a free Cloudflare account to use as DNS something or other according to a developer who graciously stepped in to help me pro Bono. He set it up for me. I changed my name servers to the new Cloudflare settings and voila! Problem solved. Members now have unfettered access again and faster page load speeds. E’erbody’s happy! All’s well that ends well. Am I right? I hope this info helps the next newb who gets stuck like I was. That’s why I posted it.
  9. My site is having issues apparently related to proper image sizing. GTMetrix recommends using srcset to properly size images to improve load speed across all devices. It gives an example but doesn’t elaborate. I’m afraid to muck around with the CSS code without a better understanding of what code to add snd where. I need help but I just cannot afford to hire someone to do it. I must do it myself. Can someone please share the code and detailed steps to follow to install it on my board on my own? Please? Thanks in advance. Regards
  10. I'd like to show the Profile Player on the main page then add five songs from different members profile players to showcase it as a perc for participating members and encourage more to get involved with the site. I have the Profile Player installed and many members are using it but only a small number compared to the size of the community. I think many members aren't aware of it or don't know how to use it. Is there a way to add the player to the side bar on the Main page? Is there a way to modify the player to make it possible? Is there a widget I can use to add it? I'm not really sure how to do it.
  11. Thanks fellow flakes! I slowed down and read ALL of the instructions given in the ACP. I needed to add the asterisks * in the indicated positions of the image host url I want to block. Once I did that it worked perfectly. One unexpected side effect was blocking the image host interferes with auto-posting software resulting in errors for the poster. I had to write new image host guidelines with the explanation about the errors and a Banned Image Host list. Other than that it works perfectly.
    I was confused about how to use it but I contacted the author, Kaneko Sayami, and got an answer quickly. Once installed go to ACP->Members->Groups then select a group and set the permissions for Profile Songs ... repeat for each group. It works great. I installed it earlier today and members love it. Great share Kaneko! Thank you 5 Stars from me.
  12. I added the https : // imagehost . com address in the Disallowed Link box and clicked save but it hasn't stopped the images. I hope I can figure this out with a little help from friends.
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