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  1. When I login with my account I get this... But when I start section with other normal user account. In summary, I get error only when I login with my administrator account but when I login with a normal account I don't get this error. I want to know why I get this error when logging in with my admin account, and how to fix it? An error occurred (500 Error)
  2. Hello! Anyone who has the Pages app? The normal one that comes with the default IPS. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/pages/core-concepts/pages-r150/ I made the mistake of deleting the app because I was wrong, please I need it urgently, if you have it send it to me! Discord: Dr!m4k#9750
  3. Hello community, I need your help! I need to create the code "Lasted Visit" to place it to a Roster of my clan. Like this Roster from another clan As you saw before, this is what I want... How can I realize and create it? Some video or post to guide me to create it. I hope you can help me and thank you for your attention!
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