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  1. look & feel->your skin->templates->styles.css -> find table.ipb_table .subforums -> edit the color there
  2. a staff have to approve it
  3. ATIRadeon


    Version 1.0.1


    Working Staffbox for ip.board 3.4.x
  4. ATIRadeon


    yes if you edit the .js file
  5. yep any other help? nevermind fixed it just needed to edited the js file
  6. I installed the staffbox () but if i try to do a shout nothing happen i added a .js file from shoutbox and renamed it to staffbox.js but this doesnt helped. Someone know how i fix this?
  7. post some updated pictures how it look now
  8. yes dont work nobody knows it <div class="blabla"><span style="font-size: 14pt; style="text-align: left">Here the code to get group color {$author['members_display_name']}</span></div> found it {$author['prefix']}{$author['suffix']}
  9. i need a code for the userinfopane members group color ( in php ) {$author['members_display_name']}
  10. already installed but its black & another question is how can i add a colored name on userinfopane i have this but how can i add the group color from members there? <span style="font-size: 14pt; style="text-align: left"> {$author['members_display_name']}</span>
  11. how can i add the group color there? on my forum there only black names
  12. this is how it look right now how can i add now the blocks now like this and the "Name , Thread , Posts" over the first Forum
  13. hmm ok ty but how can i add it in own blocks and on the header over it Threads & Posts?
  14. how i can do this on ip.board? Threads and post
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