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  1. How much do people roughly charge to rip a theme for 4.5, looks very clean & forum isn’t a thing anymore. If anyone could let me know I’d appreciate it
  2. do you have any sort of example, i cannot find anything on the documentation about this.
  3. hello, i am currently trying to get the data back from sql / database aka invoice data. the method im currently using is $user_in = (\IPS\Db::i()->select('*', 'nexus_invoices', 'i_member',$member_id ))->first(); but the problem is the ->first(); is its only responding the first invoice, if there is 2 wondering if their is any other way to get all data with the correct member id
  4. im so sorry english is not my first language, do you have any sort of php file / script example thanks.
  5. Hello sorry to bug you. Currently developing a c++ application. but having issues on the api side. i have gotten everything to work with xenforo using their api and using their /auth function to login and grab the json response back. I'm trying to replicate that with IPS but having issues. first off their is no api login function & forced to use Oauth2 and then use api function to grab json response back. i personally like the feel and use of IPS better. how would i go about grabbing their JSON response /core/me function back as with login. I've tried researching through IPS but cant seem to have any sort of example. for xenforo i use curl, but im kinda stuck when it comes to Oauth2 and dont really know how i would go about using Oauth to the API, if anyone even has a php script with api function that would be amazing. if you know how this is done via C++ please let me know thanks.
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