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Everything posted by customercare

  1. How can I disable certain registration names through a filter?
  2. Hi, how can i make that code to check in months and years (both) or month or year separately? Thanks. <div class="custom"> {{$date_joined = floor((strtotime("now")-strtotime("{$comment->author()->joined}"))/86400) ;}} <span class="leftinfo"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> $time of fappig:</span> <span class="rightinfo">{$date_joined} Days</span> </div>
  3. Unfortunately it doesn't work. The notification is displayed with a template fluent design theme edition.
  4. How do I stop notifications to update to a new version of IPS? I mean at the top at the beginning of the index and in the admin panel.
  5. How can i disable or remove BUY button for guests in Downloads? Thanks.
  6. Hello, can anyone tell me how to remove this from the theme? Theme by aXenDev
  7. How can i add new javascript code globally? I mean for all pages? This; <script> window.oncontextmenu = function () { console.log(""); return false; } </script>
  8. The description in white is only by someone in the sections but not all forums.
  9. Im try to remove white color from description, but i cant. How can i remove white color?
  10. We are not magicians. Please provide error logs or something... Also check your .htaccess
  11. I marked a section for creating automatic topics in a section of Downloads but the topics are not created automatically... what could be the problem? The backgorund process just shows 0% and when refreshed it disappears and it says that everything is over. P. S. i mean only new topics working fine, but old didnt copied in selected section.
  12. Make sure you have mod_cloudflare on your apache/nginx. If you have a vps you need to install mod_cloudflare. If you have a shared hosting - contact with your hosting provider. More information: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170916-Restoring-original-visitor-IPs-Option-1-Installing-mod-cloudflare#12345680
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