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About AquilaTempestas

  • Birthday 08/23/1992

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    I can't get this to work. I follow the instructions - add the redirect to my discord app, add client secret and token as asked. I get to step 2 and connect my server. Then it just resets and I go back to Step 1?
  1. It's all good now. I managed to fix the issue and I have access to the Marketplace.
  2. Yeah. I've been chatting to both IPS tech staff and my webhost's tech staff, and there's no resolution. I give the details and screenshots and the like to my host provider, but they don't see the same problems. There's no end to it.
  3. I just upgraded to 4.5 and I can't connect to the marketplace from my AdminCP. This is the error I get: Any suggestions?
  4. Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver!
  5. I don't know how to make the text look like the example above. I know how to change to a single colour, but not have a username have two colours (like the example I attached - red at top and black at bottom)
  6. How do I make a username group look like this? I'm trying to create a usergroup called FOUNDER but I'm not sure how to make the text have a gradient?
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