Unfortunately, that didn't fix the issue ?
Ok, so turns out Sulk.php didn't get uploaded. I uploaded it to the correct directory but now I'm getting an SQL error
INSERT INTO `nexus_licensekeys` ( `lkey_type`, `lkey_active`, `lkey_uses`, `lkey_activate_data`, `lkey_generated`, `lkey_identifier`, `lkey_purchase`, `lkey_member`, `lkey_max_uses`, `lkey_key` ) VALUES ( 'sulk', true, 0, '[]', 1611928164, 'username', 27, 1, 1, NULL )
IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'lkey_key' cannot be null (1048)
Ok it's fixed!!! Instructions were unclear but here's what you have to do after installing the .tar file:
Enter Upload > applications > nexus > sources > Purchase > LicenseKey then upload Sulk.php to your host
Here: applications > nexus > sources > Purchase > LicenseKey
My issue is now fixed, mods can close the thread