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  1. Wdym by saying "does he have his notification setting in place?" can we contact somehow not using forum.
  2. So, you see. I get every notification except if for example me as moderator gonna warn user, he wont get any notification about that he was warned. @Triqqy
  3. Thank you. Also I have another question. When a member gets a warning no "notification" comes , but every other notification comes I mean message, tag and everything else. I tried to look up if those "warning' notifications are on or not, it looks like that they are on. Can you answer me this one?
  4. Hello Weflakers, I wanted to ask where I could change the text that user receives when trying to approve his registration via email. I want to translate it from English to my native language, but I can't find where to edit it. I am using IPS 4.4.7 version. Waiting for your answers, Kind regards.
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