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  1. Oh, I see. I'll download the latest version for sure! ahm, It says I can't download this as I've downloaded 3 files today. Can you please increase it for me? if possible. Thank you for the quickest reponse. This can be marked as solved
  2. Hey WF Community, I downloaded IPS Community suite 4.2.8 recently. I installed it on my local XAMPP server. Initially, it worked really great. While I was testing things up in admin panel, suddenly I was popped up a message that "There is a problem with your license key. Please check your license key. This message only shows to administrators. " and, I could see an (offline) tag on the forum. Well, I tried searching around the community and surfed google a bit but couldn't really find a proper solution. Or maybe I missed? Would be thankful if someone indicates what I'm doing wrong here. Just to inform that during installation, I was provided a license key - that I have saved in notepad -. Now, when I try clicking on "change license key", it says "Error: Something went wrong!" Images are attached below. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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