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  1. windows locale is different from Linux locale. de.DE to set the locale (Germany) on windows, u should put in place (de.DE) u put (German_Germany.1252) without ()
  2. IPS 4.1 => Skin 4.0 no work! upgrade your skin for 4.1.
  3. search template reputationMini charge <div data-controller='core.front.core.reputation' class='ipsRep_mini'> {{if settings.reputation_point_types == 'like'}} <div class='ipsLikeRep'> {{if member.group['gbw_view_reps']}} <a href='{$showRepUrl}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="like_log_title"}' data-ipsTooltip class='ipsReputation_count {{if $repCount == 0}}ipsType_light{{else}}ipsType_blendLinks{{endif}}'><i class='fa fa-heart ipsType_small'></i> {$repCount}</a> {{else}} <span class='ipsReputation_count {{if $repCount < 0}}ipsType_negative{{elseif $repCount > 0}}ipsType_positive{{else}}ipsType_neutral{{endif}}'><i class='fa {{if $repCount < 0}}fa-minus-circle{{elseif $repCount > 0}}fa-plus-circle{{else}}fa-circle{{endif}} ipsType_small'></i> {$repCount}</span> {{endif}} {{if $canRepUp}} &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{$giveRepUrl->setQueryString( array( 'rep' => 1, 'mini' => 1 ) )->csrf()}' data-action="giveReputation">{lang="like"}</a> {{endif}} {{if $canRepDown}} &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{$giveRepUrl->setQueryString( array( 'rep' => -1, 'mini' => 1 ) )->csrf()}' data-action="giveReputation">{lang="unlike"}</a> {{endif}} </div> {{else}} <div class='ipsLikeRep'> {{if $canRepUp}} <a href='{$giveRepUrl->setQueryString( array( 'rep' => 1, 'mini' => 1 ) )->csrf()}' data-action="giveReputation" class='ipsButton ipsButton_rep ipsButton_repUp'><i class='fa fa-arrow-up'></i></a> {{endif}} {{if $canRepDown}} <a href='{$giveRepUrl->setQueryString( array( 'rep' => -1, 'mini' => 1 ) )->csrf()}' data-action="giveReputation" class='ipsButton ipsButton_rep ipsButton_repDown'><i class='fa fa-arrow-down'></i></a> {{endif}} {{if settings.reputation_show_content}} {{if member.group['gbw_view_reps']}} <a href='{$showRepUrl}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="rep_log_title"}' title='{lang="see_who_repped"}' data-ipsTooltip class='ipsButton ipsButton_rep {{if $repCount < 0}}ipsButton_repDown{{elseif $repCount > 0}}ipsButton_repUp {{else}}ipsType_neutral{{endif}}'><i class='fa {{if $repCount < 0}}fa-minus-circle{{elseif $repCount > 0}}fa-plus-circle{{else}}fa-circle{{endif}} ipsType_small'></i> {$repCount}</a> {{else}} <span class='ipsReputation_count {{if $repCount < 0}}ipsType_negative{{elseif $repCount > 0}}ipsType_positive{{else}}ipsType_neutral{{endif}}'><i class='fa {{if $repCount < 0}}fa-minus-circle{{elseif $repCount > 0}}fa-plus-circle{{else}}fa-circle{{endif}} ipsType_small'></i> {$repCount}</span> {{endif}} {{endif}} </div> {{endif}} </div>
  4. @titcrunch real test? who it was that did the test, have any references? q see the example cited above, was a test by Oracle, and as I mentioned above, Inno you have to make a tuner to better utilize hardware resources, MyISAM does not recommend for large websites, you'll have endless problems.
  5. you are wrong, look. https://blogs.oracle.com/MySQL/entry/comparing_innodb_to_myisam_performance innodb also does not lock the table, MyISAM locks the table all the time requiring repair. I use InnoDB from the IPB 1.0.X and now I'm using and never had a problem with the database, I have a community with 10,000 active members at the same time and +1000.000 registered members. today I have a dedicated server 18 core + SSD + 3x 250GB + 64GB ram and works very fast, you must do several tuner in order to use all the hardware resources.
  6. WARNING: The release is only for testing. Update your forums in any case it is impossible!
  7. htaccess for nginx # nginx configuration location / { if ($http_referer !~ "^$"){ return 403; } }
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