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  1. I have a version of IPB, added by my friend, that require license key. In its database i have topics, users, etc... (informations so). Someone gaved me an another IPB, same version, BUT that is CRACKED and it DOESNT requires license activation like the one active on the site. I fresh installed it to a new database and then tried to config the conf_global to connect it to the MAIN database that have infos in it. All i got was errors on page, it makes the page look like it doesnt have any theme, as in the photo below, so, they clearly cant connect. What i observed was that MY IPB, the cracked one, create more and different files than MY FRIEND IPB in the database, so i think thats the problem. The 2 IPBs dont have the same database files even if they are same version. I tried a lot of methods to connect my CRACKED IPB to the old database but no succes. The upgrade method i cant use as long as the 2 IPB i have are the same versions, I dont understand why my cracked version create more and different files in database than the other but i hope someone can help me so i can transfer my old database to the cracked version. Thank you in advance. * Photo of how my site looks when i try to connect the CRACKED IPB to the database of the IPB (nulled i think).
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