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Everything posted by xTamue

  1. Yes I tried, there is no option for that
  2. Heyho, I am looking for a solution to remove the forum title container, I also googled the whole day and tried old solutions but it´s not working. I talk about the "General Discussion" box with the follow button
  3. Thanks, if the slider of the theme is enabled, the slider just goes over the backgroundimage, can I insert some that the background starts at the end of slider? so that the full image can be displayed? If I disable the slider, it works Edit: And if I scroll down, the image don´t scroll with it, it´s sticky, can I fix that?
  4. Looking for how to inerst a background image in the latest relöease from vulpes dark theme (2.1.1)
  5. Very good service for the nulled community, thank you! Contact was fast Delivery was also fast If I need more, I will order again ?
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