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Genesisdude13 last won the day on February 13 2020

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    Uniform is a professional theme that works great for my community. I was able to easily install the theme on my site with no issues! Definitely worth getting if you need a professional theme!
  1. Promote your site on many different platforms. If you have a discord server or are part of a few that allow a place to promote your creations and sites you should share it in those as well. Remember that it takes time and dedication to build up a member base. Always be sure to post new topics to keep your members engaged in conversation, this makes guests see that your forum is active and they will be more likely to join. Also post exchanges can bring in new members too!
  2. Welcome and I hope you're taking care as well. It's been a crazy year for sure.
  3. Hey everyone, I made a few Xbox forum ranks that I wanted to share with the community. I'm currently using them on my Xbox Series X forum, but I'd figure perhaps other people working on gaming related projects could use them. I made them using a free Xbox icon, MS Paint, and Gimp! Let me know what you think.
  4. You know I thought I wouldn't like it as much as I do. Honestly I haven't played it since the Storm King event... I did end up getting the Umbrella for defeating the Storm King, which wasn't easy because other players were being jerks and knocking me out into the storm... I should play it again. I suck at building though... ?
  5. I just recently started using Offshore Dedicated and it took a few hours to set up however, once it was set up I was ready to get my forums up and running. I haven't had any issues in the past 24 hours that I've been using them. I tried using Webcare 360, but the account is still pending so I'm not sure if I got scammed or there's no one keeping up with the hosting. Whenever it does go through, I'm going to cancel it.
  6. Hey Darkam, welcome to Webflake! Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  7. Your theme looks great, but the New Members icon looks out of place. Generally, your site is easy to navigate as well too. Do note that I did navigate your site with Adblocker on, since mr-pimpen reported a malicious pop-up ad that redirected him to a shady download.
  8. The Sonic the Hedgehog movie was finally released in the United States yesterday. You're probably aware that I'm a Sonic fan, judging my by avatar. I went and seen the movie with my wife last night, and she went in with her hopes low but I went in with my hopes high and both of us think it was definitely worth seeing. Overall I think it was a great movie, for both non Sonic fans and Sonic fans alike. It's already reported made over $20 million in the box office just on opening night alone, plus IMDB gave it a 7.0 out of 10 stars ranking it higher than Detective Pikachu and a number of other video game movies. There were a few questionable moments in the movie, but there usually is in movies targeted towards children... There was also tons of product placement throughout the entire movie but even so the humor wasn't too over the top, there were plenty of heartwarming moments and serious moments as well. If you do see it, be sure to stick around for a bit after the credits!
  9. It's a shame what happened to him as well as his daughter, and the other passengers aboard the helicopter. Let's hope they're all resting easy wherever they may be.
  10. I used to use the Freenom domains whenever I didn't feel like paying for a domain name. However, I've heard recently that they phased out the free domain names and people have reported that their domain names have been suspended for no reason, and they were being redirected to some shady sites. Now I just stick to Namecheap, I literally just bought a domain name good for the next two years for only $8. If there are any free domain name registrars left, I wouldn't trust them but like anything if you're willing to take the risk, don't be disappointed if your site gets compromised.
  11. Hey everyone, I'm Genesisdude13! I'm a nerd who enjoys video games, music, programming, cartoons, and forums. I've owned quite a few forums throughout the years, and have been staff on others as well. Right now I only own a handful, and I'm staff on one. My favorite forum software is a tie between IPB, and Xenforo currently. I mainly prefer retro gaming , but I do own a Switch Lite, PS4, and Xbox One including a gaming laptop. I look forward to meeting new people here in the community!
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