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  1. I was using the filing system and I was disabled, after that .. it started generating this error. he asked if i would like to restore the topics, i clicked yes
  2. how do I put this style of sub-forum? the current one that is on my forum
  3. RoNaN72

    Error 500

    Any solution for that? I'm using php 7.1
  4. a forum that does not appear the name of the theme you talked about above.
  5. is there any plugin or code that redirects a person to another site when clicking on a new topic in selected areas?
  6. thematic that does not have this, is there another method?
  7. is it possible to appear the warning message in the post for all members? it's only showing up for admins
  8. how to add an image in the signature separator? https://prnt.sc/s7fgty
  9. How to decrease the size of the cover photo?
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