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Everything posted by Modziasas15

  1. Please check if CometChat is installed in the correct directory.The 'cometchat' folder should be placed at /cometchat it's not working?
  2. Any one know that plugin and how to make look like this? I insert the code in theme>template>serverlist but she not updating server player stats
  3. 1. No error logs 2. No i don't made custom htacces, can help how to made?
  4. Anyone know how to fix youtube link blocking or i don't know what is that.... 2020-04-23 16-32-20 (1).mp4
  5. i can't found you add me: x؛ɓOlɐ⇂ᗡ#8519
  6. Hello can help? This is my This i need when the mouse hovers over the contec or any elsewhere it flips over and looks cool
  7. This plugin supporting on new ips 4.4.10?
  8. Hello i need that plugin when adminstrator posting new post and she's give "ATTACKTEAM Prefix on top right corner" anyone can help how to find this plugin or html/css code?
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