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  1. Hi, I'm planing to upgrade my nulled IPS to a licenced IPS 4.5.4. If I go to their website and purchse the licence, since I'm a "new" customer, do they offer an upgarde (like I tell them I have a previous version of ips but its outdated, etc) or just a completely new suite? Or, can I just buy the license key and import it to my current nulled version, and then upgrade my ips? Also, do they know that I had used nulled version, and get punishment for that? Thanks!
  2. it became like this today Total accesses: 106296 - Total Traffic: 6.2 GB - Total Duration: 89266363 CPU Usage: u290.42 s25.65 cu932.66 cs67.45 - 9.59% CPU load 7.74 requests/sec - 471.0 kB/second - 60.8 kB/request - 839.79 ms/request 1 requests currently being processed, 174 idle workers ?
  3. is that bad? My server is qual-core 2.x Ghz, 4G ram, running IPS 4.410 Total accesses: 262610 - Total Traffic: 14.6 GB - Total Duration: 152533358 CPU Usage: u234.71 s22.09 cu2807.52 cs217.24 - 7.72% CPU load 6.18 requests/sec - 360.1 kB/second - 58.3 kB/request - 580.836 ms/request sometime, my website would be extremly slow, i had to turned CF under attack on, and boom, my server is back to normal....I don't know why Should I switch to other hosting company?
  4. {{$pointsName = \IPS\Settings::i()->ms_points_name;}} <h2 class="ipsType_sectionTitle ipsType_reset"> {lang="ms_most_points" sprintf="$pointsName"} </h2> <ol class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing'> {{$idx = 1;}} {{foreach $mostPoints as $members}} {{$member = \IPS\Member::load( $members['member_id'] );}} <li class='ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsDataItem_icon ipsPos_middle ipsType_center ipsType_large ipsType_light'><strong>{expression="$idx++"}</strong></div> <div class='ipsDataItem_main ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny'> {template="userPhoto" group="global" app="core" params="$member, 'tiny'"} <div> {$member->link()|raw} <br> <span title="{expression='number_format( $member->shopPoints() )'} {lang='ms_points' sprintf='$pointsName'}" data-ipsTooltip class='ipsRepBadge {{if $member->shopPoints() > 0}}ipsRepBadge_positive{{elseif $member->shopPoints() < 0}}ipsRepBadge_negative{{else}}ipsRepBadge_neutral{{endif}}'><i class='fa {{if $member->shopPoints() > 0}}fa-plus-circle{{elseif $member->shopPoints() < 0}}fa-minus-circle{{else}}fa-circle-o{{endif}}'></i> {expression="number_format( $member->shopPoints() )"}</span> </div> </div> </li> {{endforeach}} </ol> found the code....anybody have idea?
  5. Like the list below? on my forum, guest couldn't see the post list(I forgot how I did that...) but not the popular contributors list also, in my case, I didn't use the default system build "popular contributors" block, Im using the block from "Members shop" Please help, thank you!!
  6. for my server, memcache has already been installed. So I just go to PHP Selector, and click and go back to cache method and i was abled to had that option selected.
  7. I was curious, did any of you guys use CF? If yes, how do you setup the page rules for your forum? is it necessary? My forum is kinda pictures heavy type(daily update with lots comments) So, I think cache on everything isn't a good solution?
  8. OK, close this thread please. You're right, only myself could see all those messy reaction!
  9. Ok, so basically when I click your profile on here, I only see your replies, topics, and stuff like others following you. On my forum, when i click someone's profile page, I see his replies, topics, and also the reaction he made to other topics, and....others reaction made in his topic, so the whole page is really messy!
  10. thanks man! still 5 stars damn! I guess it's better than nothing. ty again.
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