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About SenCos

  • Birthday 01/06/1997

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  1. This is a custom block from ip.Pages, it works normally, but this line is always there, I don't know how to remove it without changing the css from the full index.
  2. So.. once I have the nulled version online I can get a license normally ?
  3. Hello guys, I'm opening a forum for my community, +/- 300 members. We are thinking about using IPB... Nulled. It can bring problems to us? I mean, they can close our website if they want (invision)?
  4. is not a problem, I want to change or recreate the original IPB "special or featured" tool to look like that image, it's the original code. I'm doing the IPB download to pick up the code
  5. I found this tutorial: I saw that this tutorial registers IDS in the forums in order to set different icons in each section, it is possible to do the same and create the "highlight" tool? Can I duplicate the "Make this topic special" tool and make it add a color highlight to the topic? as shown in this image: I try to duplicate it but seems that it requires a php change, and I know nothing about php... can I also edit the css it to follow this pattern? It is also complicated because if I edit the style of the "special" tool, topics from other sections will be affected.
  6. Is it possible that, in a specific section, only 1 topic is allowed per profile? (allow re-create if deleted)
  7. Hello guys, I am 22 years old, living in Italy (trento). I speak italian, english and portughese. I am a game creator (in Otserv, or Open Tibia, its an open-source code based on Germany Tibia game, 2d), It deals with xml, lua anc C# codes. My Knowledgebase is • Mapping (using an open-source software Remere's Map Editor) • Design (creation of banners, PIPs, digital marketing, PhotoShop, Pyxel Edit, and others) • Spriting (pixel art in 45 perspectives, paint and Pyxel Edit) • Lua Scripts (for functions in-game, TFS 1.X) • And a little bit of html/css I want to learn how to edit forums platform like wordpress, mybb or invision, to help the Tibia Otserv community in the part of websites. A quick preview of my work A code exemple of a mining system I made with a friend
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