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Wyder Games

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  1. And is your son interested in changing it to me? For a fee @mr-pimpen
  2. @mr-pimpen And it works like I wrote it? That it blocks the link and not the all topic?
  3. Thanks for all! How do I connect basic points with members shops? As for basic points, I mean it's blocking the all topic, and I'd just like it to block the download link.
  4. @S!r.ReaDy could I have the name of the plugin, please?
  5. @mr-pimpen I'll send you a private forum message where it is something like that. Thank you for your reply
  6. I have a question how to make a sidebar with Posts and topics in one window. Choose which window you want to look at with the left mouse button a picture of what I mean in the attachment. I have a downloaded sidebar plugin, but I can't merge it like in the picture. I can only place 1 side bar posts under the second side bar topics Thanks!
  7. Hey! I have forum with IPS 4.4, and i have question about. I'm looking for a plugin that adds a hide tag with a link (download) and to unlock it you need to spend 5 credits, credits are given to the person who created the topic and added the link in the hide tag. The plugin would have to work with members shop Thank you from above.
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