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  1. I have Enahcned User Info Panel addon and i want to display the primary and secondary group icons but I want the secondary groups to always appear after the primary. how do i do that
  2. My current forum uses steam integration to accept new user sign ups. When ever they sign in through steam it props them to add an email. I also want it to propmt them to put in a display name instead of their display name defaulting to their steam name. How can I do this?
  3. I am using the Brilliant Discord integration linked below and have question about it. When users sign up I want them to only be able to sign up with steam which is already setup and totally configured. Once they do that I want to give them the option to link their discord account through this plugin. The only problem is I cannot disable the discord registration option to remove it from the sign up screen because it says "locked" under the registration settings. How do I disable this feature only on the sign up page? Any help is much appreciated!
  4. Is there a way to change every place the word "Club" is used to "Factions." Im referring to the IPS Clubs Module.
  5. I want to remove the "Sign Up" button as seen in the picture below. I use to steam to login/create an account on my website so the button is useless. New users sign in with steam and if its their first time signing in they are prompted with a complete registration screen. Is there a way I could replace both "Exisiting User? Sign In" and "Sign Up" with the Sign in with steam button?
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