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  1. Hey! I have cloudflare in front of my website. The problem is that at most cases the members have the CF IP logged instead of their real IP. From the past i know that its needed to add a line of code to some config file, but i dont know which and where.
  2. Hello Since some weeks i got issues with my forum that on certain requests / actions the site will load for 10-60 seconds. Also when i want to visit my admin-cp it takes half a minute until the page loads up. Login will take another half minute, sometimes even longer. When people register the register form/site will load for 10-30 seconds. Also closing, opening, liking or any action sometimes also takes a while until its executed. Sometimes its instant, sometimes slow as decribed above. The weird thing is that press on thanks a second time for example while its loading it will instantly do it then. Also pages sometimes take half a minute to open up. My hoster says this issue is not because of them. Also Wordpress is working perfectly fine on my site. Is there any solution for this?
  3. Its trash. It doesnt go by IP it goes by Cache. There are also a lot of false positives.
  4. Hello, i try to enable "Community Enhancements" Stuff like GeoIP or MaxMind anti fraud but it is not working. It will show that it got enabled but it wont be active. How can i use them?
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