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About BadDev

  • Birthday 08/27/1997

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    Titan for XenForo 2 Demo Add to cart$30.00 Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars. Assign up to 6 background images via the theme settings to completely change the colour scheme, and let your members choose their favourite from a predefined selection ! Theme features Theme Editor All xenfocus themes come with the "Theme Editor" - an easy to use box which allows your members to customize the theme to their needs. Blurred headers The navigation bar and category headers inherit a blurred version of your background image, created automatically using css filters. Unique, animated navigation Titan features a unique navigation design, with an animated hover effect. Fixed header When scrolled, the navigation sticks to the top of your browser for easy access. Background Picker A background picker allows your members to customize areas of the theme by selecting their own image from a predefined selection. Social icons By enabling the social icons feature, you can easily promote your social media websites to your forum members. Mega footer A mega footer with configurable columns and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings. Mobile navigation footer If enabled, a navigation bar sticks to the bottom of your mobile browser, providing convenient access to commonly used pages. Holiday effects If enabled, subtle "holiday effects" such as animated snow for Christmas, confetti for New Years, a floating ghost for Halloween or a beating heart for Valentines can be shown on your theme. Sticky threads Sticky threads are separated from regular threads with dividers. Sticky side column If enabled, the side column sticks to the top of your browser window once scrolled for easy access. Compatible in modern browsers which support position: sticky.
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