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  1. This problem in admin panel. I using default them for admin panel.
  2. Hi I can't remove product category. Actually, I remove and category deleting but when I refresh page the category coming back.
  3. You misunderstood. I mean , example I replied you now. And a few mins or hours later I replied again. This will be two post (one under the other) I wanna , if I send messages again without anyone else send post, my posts will be only 1 post.
  4. @ Triqqy you forgot to add link ? Where can I download it ?
  5. Hi, There is recaptcha for register page I know but How can I add recaptcha for login page ?
  6. Hi, How can I make "collects posts from the same person in only 1 post" Sometimes same person sending 4-5 post in a few mins. and all sorted one by one I want to make all in 1 post.
  7. VModz

    Vip Time

    Hi I want to be able to set vip groups times Example : if someone buy A product , they will have 2 days vip group if someone buy B product , they will have 1 month vip group if someone buy C product , they will be vip unlimited etc.. Is it possible ?
  8. <<Image removed due to the nature of the site in the image>> What is this block plugin ?
  9. VModz

    Error 403

    What is the correct permissions ?
  10. VModz

    Error 403

    Hi, If I use a color in content, page giving this error. Same error if create new topic or edit a topic. I don't know what is problem. Example : if I write <p> <span style="color:#16a085;">test</span> </p> Page giving 430 error.
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